Push Ios Apps With Mac Server


This article is intended for enterprise and education network administrators.

Apple products require access to the Internet hosts in this article for a variety of services. Here's how your devices connect to hosts and work with proxies:

  • Network connections to the hosts below are initiated by the device, not by hosts operated by Apple.
  • Apple services will fail any connection that uses HTTPS Interception (SSL Inspection). If the HTTPS traffic traverses a web proxy, disable HTTPS Interception for the hosts listed in this article.

App A receives Push notifications just fine, App B doesn't. Both are talking to the same server - and it does figure out which app it's sending notifications to and uses the correct cert. I've noticed that if you install both apps on one device, they both get the same Token (which our server tracks per app.). Automatically syncs users’ G Suite email, calendars, and contacts with the corresponding native iOS apps that are on their device. Check Push Google Account configuration to: Sync G Suite emails with the Apple Mail app. Sync G Suite calendar events with the Apple Calendar app. This is one of the most popular apps for doing push-ups and competing with other users. Start from the 10 pushups a day, then increase this number up to 20, then go 40 and so on until you do 100! Pushups Coach pro will create the training program for you that will include 3 workouts a week.

Make sure your Apple devices can access the hosts listed below.

Apple Push Notifications

Learn how to troubleshoot connecting to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs). For devices that send all traffic through an HTTP proxy, you can configure the proxy either manually on the device or with a configuration profile. Beginning with macOS 10.15.5, devices can connect to APNs when configured to use the HTTP proxy with a proxy auto-config (PAC) file.

Device setup

Access to the following hosts might be required when setting up your device, or when installing, updating or restoring the operating system.

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
albert.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
captive.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSInternet connectivity validation for networks that use captive portals.Yes
gs.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
humb.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
static.ips.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
tbsc.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlyYes
time-ios.apple.com123UDPiOS and tvOS onlyUsed by devices to set their date and time
time.apple.com123UDPiOS, tvOS, and macOSUsed by devices to set their date and time
time-macos.apple.com123UDPmacOS onlyUsed by devices to set their date and time

Device Management

Network access to the following hosts might be required for devices enrolled in Mobile Device Management (MDM):

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
*.push.apple.com443, 80, 5223, 2197TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSPush notificationsLearn more about APNs and proxies.
gdmf.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSMDM server to identify which software updates are available to devices that use managed software updates.Yes
deviceenrollment.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSDEP provisional enrollment.
deviceservices-external.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOS
identity.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSAPNs certificate request portal.Yes
iprofiles.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSHosts enrollment profiles used when devices enroll in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager through Device EnrollmentYes
mdmenrollment.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSMDM servers to upload enrollment profiles used by clients enrolling through Device Enrollment in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager, and to look up devices and accounts.Yes
setup.icloud.com443TCPiOS onlyRequired to log in with a Managed Apple ID on Shared iPad.
vpp.itunes.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSMDM servers to perform operations related to Apps and Books, like assigning or revoking licenses on a device.Yes

Software updates

Make sure you can access the following ports for updating macOS, apps from the Mac App Store, and for using content caching.

macOS, iOS, and tvOS

Network access to the following hostnames are required for installing, restoring, and updating macOS, iOS, and tvOS:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
appldnld.apple.com80TCPiOS onlyiOS updates
gg.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSiOS, tvOS, and macOS updatesYes
gnf-mdn.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
gnf-mr.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
gs.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
ig.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
mesu.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSHosts software update catalogs
ns.itunes.apple.com443TCPiOS onlyYes
oscdn.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS Recovery
osrecovery.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS Recovery
skl.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
swcdn.apple.com80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
swdist.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
swdownload.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
swpost.apple.com80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
swscan.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
updates-http.cdn-apple.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOS
updates.cdn-apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOS
xp.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes

App Store

Access to the following hosts might be required for updating apps:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
*.itunes.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSStore content such as apps, books, and musicYes
*.apps.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSStore content such as apps, books, and musicYes
*.mzstatic.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSStore content such as apps, books, and music
itunes.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
ppq.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSEnterprise App validation

Content caching

Access to the following host is required for a Mac that uses macOS content caching:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
lcdn-registration.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlyContent caching server registrationYes

App notarization

Starting with macOS 10.14.5, software is checked for notarization before it will run. In order for this check to succeed, a Mac must be able to access the same hosts listed in the Ensure Your Build Server Has Network Access section of Customizing the Notarization Workflow:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies onlyTicket delivery onlyTicket delivery onlyTicket delivery

Certificate validation

Apple devices must be able to connect to the following hosts to validate digital certificates used by the hosts listed above:

Ios Server App

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
crl.apple.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
crl.entrust.net80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
crl3.digicert.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
crl4.digicert.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.apple.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.digicert.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.entrust.net80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.verisign.net80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation


If your firewall supports using hostnames, you may be able to use most Apple services above by allowing outbound connections to *.apple.com. If your firewall can only be configured with IP addresses, allow outbound connections to The entire address block is assigned to Apple.

HTTP proxy

You can use Apple services through a proxy if you disable packet inspection and authentication for traffic to and from the listed hosts. Exceptions to this are noted above. Attempts to perform content inspection on encrypted communications between Apple devices and services will result in a dropped connection to preserve platform security and user privacy.

  • See a list of TCP and UDP ports used by Apple software products.
  • Find out which ports are used by Profile Manager in macOS Server.
  • Learn about macOS, iOS, and iTunes server host connections and iTunes background processes.
  • Customize the Notarization Workflow.

Intune supports the enrollment of iOS/iPadOS devices using Apple Configurator running on a Mac computer. Enrolling with Apple Configurator requires that you USB-connect each iOS/iPadOS device to a Mac computer to set up corporate enrollment. You can enroll devices into Intune with Apple Configurator in two ways:

  • Setup Assistant enrollment - Wipes the device and prepares it to enroll during Setup Assistant.
  • Direct enrollment - Does not wipe the device and enrolls the device through iOS/iPadOS settings. This method only supports devices with no user affinity.

Apple Configurator enrollment methods can't be used with the device enrollment manager.


Ios web push
  • Physical access to iOS/iPadOS devices
  • Device serial numbers (Setup Assistant enrollment only)
  • USB connection cables
  • macOS computer running Apple Configurator 2.0

Create an Apple Configurator profile for devices

A device enrollment profile defines the settings applied during enrollment. These settings are applied only once. Follow these steps to create an enrollment profile to enroll iOS/iPadOS devices with Apple Configurator.

  1. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Apple Configurator.

  2. Choose Profiles > Create.

  3. Under Create Enrollment Profile, type a Name and Description for the profile for administrative purposes. Users do not see these details. You can use this Name field to create a dynamic group in Azure Active Directory. Use the profile name to define the enrollmentProfileName parameter to assign devices with this enrollment profile. Learn more about Azure Active Directory dynamic groups.

  4. For User Affinity, choose whether devices with this profile must enroll with or without an assigned user.

    • Enroll with user affinity - Choose this option for devices that belong to users and that want to use the company portal for services like installing apps. The device must be affiliated with a user with Setup Assistant and can then access company data and email. Only supported for Setup Assistant enrollment. User affinity requires WS-Trust 1.3 Username/Mixed endpoint. Learn more.

    • Enroll without User Affinity - Choose this option for devices unaffiliated with a single user. Use this for devices that perform tasks without accessing local user data. Apps requiring user affiliation (including the Company Portal app used for installing line-of-business apps) won't work. Required for direct enrollment.


    When Enroll with user affinity is selected, make sure that the device is affiliated with a user with Setup Assistant within the first 24 hours of the device being enrolled. Otherwise enrollment might fail, and a factory reset will be needed to enroll the device.

  5. If you chose Enroll with User Affinity, you have the option to let users authenticate with Company Portal instead of the Apple Setup Assistant.


    If you want do any of the following, set Authenticate with Company Portal instead of Apple Setup Assistant to Yes.

    • use multifactor authentication
    • prompt users who need to change their password when they first sign in
    • prompt users to reset their expired passwords during enrollment

    These are not supported when authenticating with Apple Setup Assistant.

  6. Choose Create to save the profile.

Setup Assistant enrollment

Add Apple Configurator serial numbers

  1. Create a two-column, comma-separated value (.csv) list without a header. Add the serial number in the left column, and the details in the right column. The current maximum for the list is 5,000 rows. In a text editor, the .csv list looks like this:

    F7TLWCLBX196,device details
    DLXQPCWVGHMJ,device details

    Learn how to find an iOS/iPadOS device serial number.

  2. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Apple Configurator > Devices > Add.

  3. Select an Enrollment profile to apply to the serial numbers you're importing. If you want the new serial number details to overwrite any existing details, choose Overwrite details for existing identifiers.

  4. Under Import Devices, browse to the csv file of serial numbers, and select Add.

Reassign a profile to device serial numbers

You can assign an enrollment profile when you import iOS/iPadOS serial numbers for Apple Configurator enrollment. You can also assign profiles from two places in the Azure portal:

  • Apple Configurator devices
  • AC profiles

Assign from Apple Configurator devices

  1. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Apple Configurator > Devices > choose the serial numbers > Assign profile.
  2. Under Assign Profile, choose the New profile you want to assign, and then choose Assign.

Ios On Mac

Assign from profiles

  1. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Apple Configurator > Profiles > choose a profile.
  2. In the profile, choose Devices assigned, and then choose Assign.
  3. Filter to find device serial numbers you want to assign to the profile, select the devices, and then choose Assign.

Export the profile

After you create the profile and assign serial numbers, you must export the profile from Intune as a URL. You then import it into Apple Configurator on a Mac for deployment to devices.

  1. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Apple Configurator > Profiles > choose the profile to export.

  2. On the profile, select Export Profile.

  3. Copy the Profile URL. You can then add it in Apple Configurator to define the Intune profile used by iOS/iPadOS devices.

    Next you import this profile to Apple Configurator in the following procedure to define the Intune profile used by iOS/iPadOS devices.

Enroll devices with Setup Assistant

  1. On a Mac computer, open Apple Configurator 2. In the menu bar, choose Apple Configurator 2, and then choose Preferences.


    Devices are reset to factory configurations during the enrollment process. As a best practice, reset the device and turn it on. Devices should be at the Hello screen when you connect the device.If the device was already registered with the Apple ID account, the device must be deleted from the Apple iCloud before starting the enrollment process. The prompt error appears as 'Unable to activate [Device name]'.

  2. In the preferences pane, select Servers and choose the plus symbol (+) to launch the MDM Server wizard. Choose Next.

  3. Enter the Host name or URL and enrollment URL for the MDM server under Setup Assistant enrollment for iOS/iPadOS devices with Microsoft Intune. For the Enrollment URL, enter the enrollment profile URL exported from Intune. Choose Next.
    You can safely disregard a warning stating 'server URL is not verified.' To continue, choose Next until the wizard is finished.

  4. Connect the iOS/iPadOS mobile devices to the Mac computer with a USB adapter.

  5. Select the iOS/iPadOS devices you want to manage, and then choose Prepare. On the Prepare iOS/iPadOS Device pane, select Manual, and then choose Next.

  6. On the Enroll in MDM Server pane, select the server name you created, and then choose Next.

  7. On the Supervise Devices pane, select the level of supervision, and then choose Next.

  8. On the Create an Organization pane, choose the Organization or create a new organization, and then choose Next.

  9. On the Configure iOS/iPadOS Setup Assistant pane, choose the steps to be presented to the user, and then choose Prepare. If prompted, authenticate to update trust settings.

  10. When the iOS/iPadOS device finishes preparing, disconnect the USB cable.

Ios Web Push

Distribute devices

The devices are now ready for corporate enrollment. Turn off the devices and distribute them to users. When users turn on their devices, Setup Assistant starts.

After users receive their devices, they must complete Setup Assistant. Devices configured with user affinity can install and run the Company Portal app to download apps and manage devices.

Ios Push Notification Server

Direct enrollment

When you directly enroll iOS/iPadOS devices with Apple Configurator, you can enroll a device without acquiring the device's serial number. You can also name the device for identification purposes before Intune captures the device name during enrollment. The Company Portal app is not supported for directly enrolled devices. This method does not wipe the device.

Apps requiring user affiliation, including the Company Portal app used for installing line-of-business apps, cannot be installed.

Baofeng bf-888s programming software mac. New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging isapplicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See the seller's listing for full details.Brand:UnbrandedModified Item:NoCountry/Region of Manufacture:ChinaMPN:Does Not ApplyCustom Bundle:NoType:Portable/HandheldUPC:Does not apply.

Export the profile as .mobileconfig to iOS/iPadOS devices

  1. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment > Apple Configurator > Profiles > choose the profile to export > Export Profile.

  2. Under Direct enrollment, choose Download profile, and save the file. An enrollment profile file is only valid for two weeks at which time you must re-create it.

    ↓. Mac auto reopen app after shutdown 2017. SBI hate this “auto restore” feature.

  3. Transfer the file to a Mac computer running Apple Configurator to push directly as a management profile to iOS/iPadOS devices.

  4. Prepare the device with Apple Configurator by using the following steps:

    1. On a Mac computer, open Apple Configurator 2.0.

    2. Connect the iOS/iPadOS device to the Mac computer with a USB cord. Close Photos, iTunes, and other apps that open for the device when the device is detected.

    3. In Apple Configurator, choose the connected iOS/iPadOS device, and then choose the Add button. Options that can be added to the device appear in the drop-down list. Choose Profiles.

    4. Use the file picker to select the .mobileconfig file that you exported from Intune, and then choose Add. The profile is added to the device. If the device is Unsupervised, the installation requires acceptance on the device.

  5. Use the following steps to install the profile on the iOS/iPadOS device. The device must have already completed the Setup Assistant and be ready to use. If enrollment entails app deployments, the device should have an Apple ID set up because the app deployment requires that you have an Apple ID signed in for the App Store.

    1. Unlock the iOS/iPadOS device.
    2. In the Install profile dialog box for Management profile, choose Install.
    3. Provide the Device Passcode or Apple ID, if necessary.
    4. Accept the Warning, and choose Install.
    5. Accept the Remote Warning, and choose Trust.
    6. When the Profile Installed box confirms the profile as Installed, choose Done.
  6. On the iOS/iPadOS device, open Settings and go to General > Device Management > Management Profile. Confirm that the profile installation is listed, and check the iOS/iPadOS policy restrictions and installed apps. Policy restrictions and apps might take up to 10 minutes to appear on the device.

  7. Distribute devices. The iOS/iPadOS device is now enrolled in Intune and managed.

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