Mac Auto Reopen App After Shutdown

  1. Reopen Apps Windows 10
  2. Windows Reopen Apps After Reboot
  3. Windows Reopens Apps On Restart

Starting with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the operating system is able to automatically reopen apps which were running before shutdown or restart. This behavior is totally unexpected for most Windows users who upgraded to the recent release of the OS. Here is what you can do to change the situation and stop Windows 10 from restoring previously open apps after a reboot.

Apr 09, 2017  When you restart a Mac it asks you if you want all your open windows and programs to launch after reboot, making it quite easy to resume working after an update is installed. Apr 14, 2012  It can be quite frustrating when you work on several things at once on your computer and after installing software or updates, your computer ask you to make a restart. When Windows is shut down and restarted, all the software that was launched and all the documents you had open are closed. So you should start again and open the document you were working.

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If you are following Windows 10 development and articles on this blog, you might be familiar with all the changes done to Windows 10. One of them was the ability to re-launch the apps after installing updates, i.e. after restarting once updates were installed. When one of our readers, Kenzo‏, asked me about apps auto restarting in Fall Creators Update, I suggested him to change the appropriate option. See this article 'How To Auto Sign In After Restarting Windows 10'. However, this didn't help.

Update: If you are running Windows 10 build 17040 and above, you CAN use the option Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart under Privacy in Settings to disable apps auto restarting. Microsoft said the following:

Based on your feedback, the feature to restore applications that have registered for application restart after you reboot or shutdown (through power options available on the Start Menu and various other locations) has been set to only occur for users that have enabled “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting my device after an update or restart” in the Privacy section under Sign-in Options Settings.

If you are running an older build, read on. Tip: To find the build you have installed, refer to the article How to find the Windows 10 build number you are running.

Mac Auto Reopen App After Shutdown

As I have figured out lately, the option in the Settings app is half baked. While it prevents a number of apps from automatically starting after a reboot, it affects Store apps mostly!

Folks on Neowin have found the answer. They discovered the official Microsoft solution for the situation. It is as follows.

Previously, Windows was not supposed to restart any app which was running before the restart. This behavior changed with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Download ryver app for mac. Now, Windows 10 will automatically start apps you have been running before the shutdown or restart. Even disabling the Fast Boot feature does not change the situation.

Microsoft's official suggestion comes with two solutions. Let's review them.

To disable apps auto reopening in Windows 10, do the following.

  1. Open a new command prompt window.
  2. When you want to shut down, use the following command shut down the OS instead:
  3. When you want to restart, use the following command to reboot the OS instead:
Mac Auto Reopen App After Shutdown

The commands above will now restart or turn off Windows 10 in a special way, so it won't be able to reopen previously running apps.

You can create the appropriate shortcuts to save your time. Refer to the following article:

If you want, you can add a Shut Down context menu to the Desktop.

Here is how it can be done:

There is an alternative solution. It is simple but annoying. Before you power off or restart Windows 10, close all the running apps. Look at your notification area (system tray) and close any apps which run in the background which you don't want automatically restored.

Reopen Apps Windows 10

This way, you will have no apps which Windows 10 would restart.

Regardless of the method you use, I suggest you to disable two options mentioned in the articles

From what I read on Neowin and Reddit, I see many people are frustrated by this change. Actually, it's not clear why we need this feature if we already have the Startup folder.

What about you? Do you find this change useful or not? Share your opinion in the comments.

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

One of the many changes in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is that the OS now automatically reopens apps that were running before shutdown or restart. If you shut down Windows 10, next time some of previously running apps are relaunched. This behavior could be unwanted for many.

Starting with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update the shutdown procedure has got changed. A Support Engineer at Microsoft, Jason, posted the following info on Microsoft Answers:

Old behavior:
- When you shut down your PC, all apps are closed
- After reboot/restart, you have to re-open any app you'd like to use

New behavior:
- When shutting down your PC, any open apps are 'bookmarked' (for lack of a better word)
- After reboot/restart, these apps will re-open automatically

If you want to start with no apps open (other than those set to auto-start via Task Manager/Start), you’ll need to ensure all apps are closed before shutting down or restarting the PC.


Windows Reopen Apps After Reboot

The desire is to create a seamless experience wherein, if you have to reboot a PC, you can pick back up quickly from where you left off and resume being productive. This has far-ranging impacts across the OS (in a good way).

Some apps built-in apps like Task Manager are always reopen automatically if you leave them running during shutdown or restart. Other built-in apps like Notepad are not affected by this change.

Note: If you disable the Fast Startup feature, it won't change this behavior.

There are some workarounds available.

To stop auto reopen of apps, shut down all apps before you shut down or restart the PC.

Or, press Shift + Shut down in Power menu for old behavior.

Also, you can use the Classic Shut Down Dialog.

Stop Auto Reopen of Apps in Windows 10

  1. Minimize all programs (press Win + D to show the Desktop).
  2. Press Alt + F4 to open the 'Shut Down Windows' dialog.
  3. Select 'Shut down' or 'Restart' option from the drop-down menu.

Another method you can use is the shutdown command.

Stop Auto Reopen of Apps in Windows 10 using Shutdown.exe

Execute in the command prompt or create create a new Desktop shortcut with the next command:

  • regular shutdown:shutdown.exe /s /t 0
  • shutdown with Fast Startup: shutdown.exe /s /hybrid /t 0
  • restart without Fast Startup: shutdown.exe /r /t 0
  • restart with Fast Startup enabled: shutdown.exe /r /hybrid /t 0

For convenience, you can add these command to the Shutdown context menu of the Desktop.

Add Shutdown Context Menu to Stop Auto Reopen of Apps

  1. Download Shutdown Context Menu and extract the contents to any folder.
  2. Double-click to run the file 'add-shutdown-context-menu.reg' to add the Desktop context menu. To undo this change, double-click the file 'remove-shutdown-context-menu.reg'. This will remove the menu.
Stop Auto Reopen of Apps in Windows 10
One of the many changes in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is that the OS now automatically reopens apps that were running before shutdown or restart. Here are some workarounds.

Windows Reopens Apps On Restart

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