Mac App Mouse As Laserpointer


Sep 21, 2019  My eyesight isn’t what it used to be and I occasionally have trouble locating the mouse pointers on my machines as well. Luckily, it’s very easy to make the mouse pointer bigger on any Mac. Just follow the steps below: 1 – Click the Apple icon (located in the top-left corner of the screen). 2 – Click System Preferences.

Pointers (iPadOS)

iPadOS 13.4 introduces dynamic pointer effects and behaviors that enhance the experience of using a pointing device with iPad. As people use a pointing device, iPadOS automatically adapts the pointer to the current context, providing rich visual feedback and just the right level of precision needed to enhance productivity and simplify common tasks.

The iPadOS pointing system gives people an additional way to interact with apps and content — it doesn’t replace touch. Some people may continue to use touch only, while others may prefer to use the pointer or a combination of both. Let people choose how to interact with your app, and avoid condensing your interface or making changes that require them to use the pointer.

For developer guidance, see Pointer Interactions.

Enabling Pointer Interactions

Aim to provide a consistent experience, whether people are using touch, a pointing device, or a keyboard. People tend to move fluidly between using touch and a connected input device, and they don’t want to learn different interactions for each mode or for each app they use.

Ensure that all the regions in your app respond correctly when people use familiar gestures with their connected device. For example, if people can manipulate content by swiping a finger on the screen, consider whether it makes sense to let them perform the same action by using two fingers on a trackpad, by clicking and dragging with the pointer, or by moving a mouse wheel. For developer guidance, see UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents.

Enable a consistent experience when people hold down a modifier key while interacting with objects in your app. For example, if people can duplicate an object by holding down the Option key while they drag it, the result should be the same whether they drag using touch or the pointer.

Distinguish between pointer and finger input only if it provides value. For example, a scrubber can give people an additional way to target a location in a video when they're using the pointer. In this scenario, people can drag the playhead using either the pointer or touch, but they can hover and click a precise seek destination using the pointer.

Let people use hover to reveal and hide controls that automatically minimize or fade out. For example, people can reveal the minimized Safari toolbar by hovering the pointer over it (the toolbar minimizes again when the pointer moves away). People can also hover the pointer to reveal or hide playback controls while they watch a full-screen video.

Pointer Shape and Content Effects

iPadOS integrates the appearance and behavior of both the pointer and the element it’s hovering over, bringing focus to the item people are targeting. You can support the system-provided pointer effects or modify them to suit your app.

By default, the pointer’s shape is a circle, but it can display a system-defined or custom shape when it hovers over specific elements or regions. For example, the pointer automatically uses the familiar I-beam shape when it hovers over a text-entry area.

With a content effect, the UI element or region beneath the pointer can also change its appearance when the pointer hovers over it. Depending on the type of content effect, the pointer can retain its current shape or transform into a shape that integrates with the element's new appearance.

iPadOS defines three content effects that bring focus to different types of interactive elements in your app: highlight, lift, and hover.

The highlight effect transforms the pointer into a translucent, rounded rectangle that acts as a background for a control and includes a gentle parallax. The subtle highlighting and movement bring focus to the control without distracting people from their task. By default, iPadOS applies the highlight effect to bar buttons, tab bars, segmented controls, and edit menus.

The lift effect combines a subtle parallax with the appearance of elevation to make an element seem like it’s floating above the screen. As the pointer fades out beneath the element, iPadOS creates the illusion of lift by scaling the element up while adding a shadow below it and a soft specular highlight on top of it. By default, iPadOS applies the lift effect to app icons and to buttons in Control Center.

Hover is a generic effect that lets you apply custom scale, tint, or shadow values to an element as the pointer hovers over it. The hover effect combines your custom values to bring focus to an item, but it doesn’t transform the default pointer shape.

Pointer Magnetism

In addition to bringing focus to elements through pointer transformations and content effects, iPadOS can also help people target an element by making the element appear to attract the pointer. People can experience this magnetic effect when they move the pointer close to an element and when they flick the pointer toward an element.

When people move the pointer close to an element, the system starts transforming the pointer’s shape as soon as it reaches an element’s hit region. Because the hit region typically extends beyond an element's visible boundaries, the pointer begins to transform before it appears to touch the element, creating the illusion that the element is pulling the pointer toward it.

When people flick the pointer toward an element, iPadOS examines the pointer’s trajectory to discover the element that’s the most likely target. When there’s an element in the pointer’s path, the system uses magnetism to pull the pointer toward the element's center.

By default, iPadOS applies magnetism to elements that use the lift effect (like app icons) and the highlight effect (like bar buttons), but not to elements that use hover. Because a hover-enabled element doesn’t transform the default pointer shape, adding magnetism could be jarring and might make people feel that they’ve lost control of the pointer.

The system also applies magnetism to text-entry areas, where it can help people avoid skipping to another line if they make unintended vertical movements while they’re selecting text.

Supporting Standard Pointers and Effects

When possible, enable the system-provided content effects. People quickly become accustomed to the content effects they see throughout the system and generally expect their experience to apply to the apps they use. To provide a consistent user experience, adhere to the design intent of each effect. Specifically:

  • Use highlight for a small element that has a transparent background.
  • Use lift for a small element that has an opaque background.
  • Use hover for large elements and customize the scale, tint, and shadow attributes as needed (for guidance, see Customizing Pointer Shapes and Effects).

Prefer the system-provided pointer appearances for standard buttons and text-entry areas. You can help people feel more comfortable with your app when the pointer behaves in ways they expect.

Add padding around interactive elements to create comfortable hit regions. You might need to experiment to determine the right size for an element’s hit region. If the hit region is too small, it can make people feel that they have to be extra precise when interacting with the element. On the other hand, when an element’s hit region is too large, people can feel that it takes a lot of effort to pull the pointer away from the element. In general, it works well to add about 12 points of padding around elements that include a bezel; for elements without a bezel, it works well to add about 24 points of padding around the element’s visible edges.

Create contiguous hit regions for custom bar buttons. If there’s space between the hit regions of adjacent buttons in a bar, people may experience a distracting motion when the pointer reverts briefly to its default shape as it moves between buttons.

Specify the corner radius of a nonstandard element that receives the lift effect. With the system-provided lift effect, the pointer transforms to match the element’s shape as it fades out. By default, the pointer uses the system-defined corner radius to transform into a rounded rectangle. If your element is a different shape — if it's a circle, for example — you need to provide the radius so the pointer can animate seamlessly into the shape of the element. For developer guidance, see UIPointerShape.roundedRect(_:radius:).

Customizing Pointer Shapes and Effects

Change mac mouse pointer

Prefer system-provided pointer effects for custom elements that behave like standard elements. When a custom element behaves like a standard one, people generally expect to interact with it using familiar pointer interactions. For example, if buttons in a custom navigation bar don’t use the standard highlight effect, people might think they’re broken.

Mac verifying on every app every time. Currently, that just says 'Installing components', with the status bar already at the end, and looking unresponsive like the others did.–May 24 '16 at 21:46. That took another 10+ minutes before being prompted with licensing, etc. Now I'm trying to add 'Command Line Tools'. Dialogue box, and clicked the 'Open' button. I'm hoping that being patient with that pays off as well.

Use pointer effects in consistent ways throughout your app. For example, if your app helps people draw, every drawing area in your app should enable a similar pointer experience so that people can apply the knowledge they gain in one area to the others.

Avoid creating gratuitous pointer and content effects. People notice when the appearance of the pointer or the UI element beneath it changes, and they expect the changes to be useful. Creating a purely decorative pointer effect can distract and even irritate people without providing any practical value.

Keep custom pointer shapes simple. Ideally, the pointer’s shape signals the action people can take in the current context without drawing too much attention to itself. For example, Keynote transforms the pointer into a pair of arrows that show the directions in which people can drag a selection handle. If people don’t instantly understand your custom pointer shape, they’re likely to waste time trying to discover what the shape means.

Consider enhancing the pointer experience by displaying custom annotations that provide useful information. For example, you could display X and Y values when the pointer hovers over a graphing area in your app. Keynote uses annotations to display the current width and height of a resizable image.

Avoid displaying instructional text with a pointer. A pointer that displays instructional text can make an app seem complicated and difficult to use. Instead of providing instructions, prioritize clarity and simplicity in your interface, so that people can quickly grasp how to use your app whether they’re using the pointer or touching the screen.

Consider the interplay of shadow, scale, and element spacing when defining custom hover effects. In general, reserve scaling for elements that can increase in size without crowding nearby elements. For example, scaling doesn’t work well for a table row because a row can’t expand without overlapping adjacent rows. For an element that has very little space around it, consider using a hover effect that includes tint, but not scale and shadow. Also, it doesn’t work well to use shadow without including scale, because an unscaled element doesn’t appear to get closer to the viewer even when its shadow implies that the element is elevated above the screen.

How to connect your pointer

Plug in your wired mouse, trackpad, or bluetooth device using a Lightning or USB-C port. If you're using USB-A devices, you'll need an adapter.

To connect a bluetooth device:

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility, and select Touch.
  2. Select AssistiveTouch > Devices, then select Bluetooth Devices.
  3. Select your device from the list.

How to use your pointer

You can use a pointer to click icons on your screen that you might otherwise tap, or use it to navigate the AssistiveTouch menu. If you want to use an input button to show and hide the menu, go to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > AssistiveTouch, then select Always Show Menu.

With your pointer connected, turn on AssistiveTouch. You'll see a grey, circular pointer and the AssistiveTouch button on your screen.

Adjust the color, size, or Auto-Hide time on your iPad

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility.
  2. Select Pointer Control.

The pointer will move as you move your input device.

Adjust the color, size, or Auto-Hide time on your iPhone or iPod touch

Laser Pointer Mouse Icon

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility and select Touch.
  2. Select AssistiveTouch, then select Pointer Style.

The pointer will move as you move your input device.

Adjust the speed for trackpad or mouse

  1. Go to Settings > General.
  2. Select Trackpad & Mouse.
  3. Adjust the tracking speed.

Change Mac Mouse Pointer

Change the button assignments

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility and select Touch.
  2. Select AssistiveTouch > Devices.
  3. Select the name of the device that you're using.
  4. Select the button, then use the dropdown menu to choose your preferred action for each button.

How to customize your settings

To configure the ability to drag items without holding a button on the input device, enable the Drag Lock function. This will allow you to hold the input key until the item is ready for dragging, then move it to another location without continuing to hold the button. If you click again, it will release the drag locked item.

If you use Zoom with AssistiveTouch, you can change how the zoomed in area responds to the pointer location, just go to Settings > Accessibility > Zoom, then select Zoom Pan. You'll have these options once you enable Zoom Pan:

  • Continuous: When zoomed in, the screen moves continuously with the cursor.
  • Centered: When zoomed in, the screen image moves when the cursor is at or near the center of the screen.
  • Edges: When zoomed in, the screen image moves cursor when the cursor reaches an edge.

The Dwell options allow you to perform actions with the pointer without physically pressing buttons. Dwell has settings for Movement Tolerance and the amount of time before a selection action is carried out. When Dwell is enabled, the onscreen keyboard will always appear.

Mac App Mouse As Laser Pointer Video

How to use a keyboard to control your pointer

Turn Mouse Into Laser Pointer

If you're using a keyboard to control your pointer, you'll need to enable the Mouse Keys function. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility and select Touch.
  2. Select AssistiveTouch, then select Mouse Keys.

Mac App Mouse As Laser Pointer Download

From this screen, you can turn on Mouse Keys by pressing the Option Key five times. You can also set your Initial Delay and Maximum Speed settings to determine how the pointer moves when being controlled by keyboard keys.

If you'd like to type on the onscreen keyboard using Mouse Keys, or with the pointer while a keyboard is connected, you'll need to enable Show Onscreen Keyboard from Settings > Accessibility > Touch > AssistiveTouch.

Learn more

Learn more about the accessibility features on your Apple devices.

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