Uninstall Software On Mac Command Line


How To Uninstall Apps On Mac OS X Using The Command Line Most of users don’t like to use commands in Terminal to do anything because those commands are not easy to remember. They feel not comfortable and will look for solutions which easier to do, such as an app with a.

  1. Uninstall Software On Mac Command Line Download
  • Feb 03, 2016  I found the uninstall string for all three pieces of software from this reg path. Here is my result from the silent uninstall of AppleCare and the command I used. Here is my result from the silent uninstall of Apple Software Update and the command I used. Here is my result from the silent uninstall of Quicktime7 and the command I used.
  • Click Yes to complete the uninstall. Option 2: Command Line. Run MSIEXEC /uninstall UserAgent(x86 or x64).msi with /passive or /quiet Requires the UserAgent(x86 or x64).msi to be in the same directory.
  • Summary: In this article, we help you to learn How To Completely Uninstall Xcode Command Line Tools on Mac by using our best Mac App Uninstaller software - Omni Remover.Make sure you have downloaded the latest version here before continuing.

By using the Windows Instrumentation command-line interface (WMIC), you can easily uninstall an application without having to use the GUI. Once you become familiar with the steps, it will be much faster than having to access the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel. This Tech-Recipe applies to Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

1. Open a command prompt.

2. Input WMIC and press Return. You will see a prompt that looks like this:

3. At the new prompt, execute the following command:
product get name

This will generate a list of installed applications.

4. At the prompt, execute the following command:
product where name=' call uninstall

where application name is the name of the program you wish to uninstall (use the exact name provided by the previously generated list).

For example, if I were wanting to uninstall Adobe Reader 9, my command would look like this:
product where name='Adobe Reader 9' call uninstall

5. When prompted, input y to confirm that you wish to uninstall the application and press Return.

The application will be uninstalled.

About Rob Rogers

Uninstall Software On Mac Command Line
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.
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When you purchase a volume license for Adobe Creative Suite 4 product, Adobe provides an option that allows you to run a silent uninstallation (that is, an uninstallation with preselected options and no interface) on Windows or Mac OS X. In a silent uninstallation, a custom installer runs the installers for each product in the suite by using command-line installation tools. Silent uninstallations are also used as basis for enterprise deployment of Creative Suite 4 products.

This document will cover the process and necessary files to run the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product silently. For additional information on this process please refer to, 'Adobe® Creative Suite 4 Enterprise Manual Deployment Guide':


The steps included in this document apply to the following products:

  • Affect Effects
  • Audition
  • Contribute
  • Creative Suite Design Premium
  • Creative Suite Design Standard
  • Dreamweaver
  • Encore DVD
  • Fireworks
  • Flash
  • Illustrator
  • InCopy
  • Creative Suite Master Collection
  • OnLocation
  • Photopshop
  • Photoshop Extended
  • Premiere
  • Premiere Pro
  • Creative Suite Production Premium
  • Soundboth
  • Creative Suite Web Preimum
  • Creative Suite Web Standard

Setting up a silent uninstallation consists of creating an XML configuration file and then using a command line interface or script to carry out the process of removing the software using the information stored in this configuration file.

We have developed a tool to simplify the process of creating the files necessary to silently uninstall the Adobe Creative Suite 4 products. The Creative Suite Deployment Tool (CSDT) will create a custom package that will reduce the steps necessary to create a package.

You must have a single source of the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product installer. If you received the product on multiple DVDs or files you must create an installation point. For additional information on creating an installation point please follow, Install CS4 products from desktop Windows XP, Vista or Install Adobe Creative Suite 4 or point products from the desktop Mac OS. You can store the installation source locally on the machine or in a shared network location.

For additional information on how to to create the uninstall xml file please refer to the 'Choose Creative Suite 4 components for installation and uninstallation' section of the Enterprise Deployment manual provided above. This process not only creates the appropriate XML configuration file for installing the software ('Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium.install.xml'), it also generates an equivalent removal configuration file ('Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium.remove.xml') and ensures that the correct data is written into both files.

By default these files are located in:

  • On Mac OS:
    //Library/Application Support/Adobe/Installers/
  • On Windows:
    C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeInstallers

Important: When you uninstall your software silently, the install.xml file and uninstall.xml you use MUST match or the process will fail. The Adobe Creative Suite 4 installer does not support partial removals of our software.

A silent uninstallation on Macintosh started by running the setup executable as super user through a command line. Use the following command line from the directory where setup is.

sudo Setup.app/Contents/MacOS/Setup --mode=silent --deploymentFile=<path to uninstaller file>

The CSDT will create an installer for initiating the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product installation. Run the application file on the command line to perform the installation.

sudo UberUnInstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/Setup

Uninstall software on mac command line windows 10

A silent uninstallation on Windows is started by running setup.exe through a command line. This should be done as administrator. Use the following command line from the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product setup.exe directory.

setup.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile=<'path to remove.xml in quotes'>

The CSDT will create an installer for initiating the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product installation. Run the executable file on the command line to perform the installation.


Confirming that a silent uninstallation has been successful

Uninstall Software On Mac Command Line Download

If the silent uninstallation is successful you should see an 'exit code' of 0 in the command line:

Exit Code: 0

To be completely sure that your attempt to uninstall has been successful, it is a good idea to check the log written to:

  • On Macintosh
  • On Windows
    Program FilesAdobeInstallers[product_name].log.gz

Towards the end of the log, you should find an entry with the keyword 'INFO' in it. The following example demonstrates the inforamtion at the end of the installation log. X is the number of components removed during the process.

[ 3620] Fri Jul 25 10:12:32 2008 INFO Checking bootstrapper progress Ran uninstall for the bootstrapper Total components installed: 0 Total components repaired: 0 Successfully removed x components:

This should be followed by a list of components which have been removed.

If there is a problem with the uninstallation, typically an exit code other than 0 will be returned. For additional information on finding and reading the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product installation log, please refer to, 'Find and read installation logs for Adobe Creative Suite 3 and 4 products' (TechNote kb400593.)

Here is an example of how the log file might look if the installed components and the components you are attempting to remove do not match:

[ 1704] Fri Jul 25 12:45:29 2008 ERROR Found payload conflicts and errors: - critical - Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium depends on AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels to be installed. - critical - Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium depends on GermanSpeechAnalysisModels to be installed. - critical - Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium depends on SpanishSpeechAnalysisModels to be installed. [ 1704] Fri Jul 25 12:45:29 2008 FATAL Exception: Conflicts were found in the selected payloads. Halting installation. Exit code: 7 [ 1704] Fri Jul 25 12:45:29 2008 INFO

When you uninstall your software silently, the install.xml file and uninstall.xml you use MUST match each other or the process will fail. You cannot perform an incremental silent uninstall with Creative Suite 4 and Point Products. See 'Support policy for modified silent uninstallations of Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Point Products' (TechNote kb404125) for additional information.

Hwo to update the file in app in mac. Jun 04, 2020  The Mac App Store is an application distribution platform similar to the App Store on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch that was released as part of Mac OS X 10.6.6. The Mac App Store has been highly integrated with OS X since Lion, and provides an easy method of managing and downloading new apps. Since Lion, the updates to OS X have only been. Feb 05, 2020  Click Update next to an app to update only that app, or click Update All. If you didn’t get the app from the App Store on your Mac, contact the app developer to get help with updates. How to manually update apps on your Apple Watch. On watchOS 6, open the App. Oct 18, 2019  Open the App Store app on your Mac. Click Updates in the App Store toolbar. Use the Update buttons to download and install any updates listed. When the App Store shows no more updates, the installed version of macOS and all of its apps are up to date. That includes Safari, iTunes, iBooks, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Photos, and FaceTime.

Although an exit code of 0 is generally an indication that your uninstallation has been completed successfully, in certain circumstances the uninstallation process will return exit code 0, even though not all the components have been removed. It is therefore advisable to check the log file to confirm that the components you expected to be removed have indeed been deleted. Using the record=1 process or the Creative Suite Deployment Tool should eliminate any problems generated by malformed xml data.

On Mac OS, if you run your silent installation from a mounted dmg file, after completing the uninstallation process you need to manually unmount it or wait until the machine restarts.

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