Pyqt Simple Menu App Windows And Mac


The menu bar runs along the top of the screen on your Mac. Use the menus and icons in the menu bar to choose commands, perform tasks, and check status. You can set an option in General preferences to automatically hide the menu bar; then it’s shown only when you move the pointer to the top of the screen. Display app on menu bar only mac. Sep 19, 2019  If there are items in the menu bar that you feel don’t belong there, hold Command, click on the icon, and drag it outside of the menu bar. Note: this only works for first-party icons. It is possible to remove third-party icons from the top bar on Mac by clicking on them and selecting “Quit” or “Close,” but this will stop the app from. Check out these Mac Menu Bar Display Apps: Switch display resolutions or adjust your screen brightness and colors (time-based) from the menu bar. Check out these Mac Menu Bar Display Apps: Skip to content. Skip to primary sidebar. The desktop, menu bar, and Help on your Mac. The first thing you see on your MacBook Air is the desktop, where you can quickly open apps, search for anything on your MacBook Air and the web, organize your files, and more.

  1. Pyqt Simple Menu App Windows And Mac Free
  2. Pyqt Example
  3. Pyqt Simple Menu App Windows And Mac Download
  • PyQt Tutorial

You can make desktop apps with Python.One of the ways to do that is to use PyQt, a very professional building block. PyQt gives you designer, you can design what your windows should look like simply with drag and drop. Then you can load the designs in Python. Link it all together using PyQt. Many applications are made with Qt (PyQt), including the whole KDE desktop environment. Learn how to create a simple QWizard window that walks the user through a complex process, step-by-step. Installation windows are the most common, and this tutorial walks you through how to create them in PySide and PyQt5. This is PySide & PyQt QWizards in 3 Minutes A wizard is aRead More →.

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A horizontal QMenuBar just below the title bar of a QMainWindow object is reserved for displaying QMenu objects.

QMenu class provides a widget which can be added to menu bar. It is also used to create context menu and popup menu. Each QMenu object may contain one or more QAction objects or cascaded QMenu objects.

To create a popup menu, PyQt API provides createPopupMenu() function. menuBar() function returns main window’s QMenuBar object. addMenu() function lets addition of menu to the bar. In turn, actions are added in the menu by addAction() method.

Following table lists some of the important methods used in designing a menu system.

Given below are the most commonly used methods of QMenu.

Sr.No.Methods & Description


Returns main window’s QMenuBar object



Adds a new QMenu object to menu bar



Adds an action button to QMenu widget consisting of text or icon



Sets state of action button to enabled/disabled



Adds a separator line in the menu



Removes contents of menu/menu bar



Associates keyboard shortcut to action button



Assigns text to action button



Sets the title of QMenu widget



Retrieves the text associated with QAction object



Retrieves the text associated with QMenu object

Pyqt Simple Menu App Windows And Mac Free

QMenu object emits triggered() signal whenever any QAction button is clicked. Reference to the clicked QAction object is passed on to the connected slot function.


In this example, first all reference to QMenuBar object of top level window (which has to be a QMainWindow object) is stored.

File menu is added to the menu bar by addMenu() method.

An action button in the menu may be a string or a QAction object.

A submenu is added to top level menu.

triggered() signal emitted by file menu is connected to processtrigger() method, which receives QAction object causing the signal.


The complete code is as follows −

The above code produces the following output −

About the App

  • App name: pyqt5
  • App description: Python bindings for v5 of Qt
  • App website:

Install the App

  1. Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
  2. Run in Terminal app:
    ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL' < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    and press enter/return key.
    If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish.
  3. Run:
    brew install pyqt5

Pyqt Example

Done! You can now use pyqt5.

Pyqt Simple Menu App Windows And Mac Download

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