Mac App Change File Names

  1. A file is stored in a folder, which may be in another folder, which may be in another folder, and so on. Operating systems keep track of all that hierarchy using a pathname. The pathname lists all the folders you have to visit in turn to find your file. The names are separated by a special character. In Windows, this character is the backslash.
  2. There are several ways to rename a file on your Mac. You can select the file, hit the Return key, and type in the new name, for example, or contextually click the file and change the name in the.
  1. How To Change Computer Name On Mac
  2. Open Any Files App Mac
  3. Change Mac Computer Name

There are a couple of good ways to print or save a list of a folder’s contents, depending on what result you’re looking for. We’re going to be using the TextEdit program for this, which is a nifty little word processor that comes by default on your Mac. It’s in your Applications folder.

So open that and get a new document started. You’ll want to make sure that you’re using a plain-text document and not a rich-text one, which you can toggle under the Format menu or by hitting Shift-Command-T.

The first way to start your list is to select the files you want in it and drag them into that TextEdit document.

If you’ve ignored my rich-text/plain-text advice above, you may get a bunch of pasted graphics (or what have you). Never ignore my advice, you silly thing.

Rename for Mac performs its functions well with only a few issues along the way. If you don't mind figuring it out on your own and have lots of files to rename, this is a decent choice.

If you see the formatting toolbar pointed out above, your TextEdit document is set to rich text.

If, however, you’ve done as I suggested, you’ll get a neatly formatted list of files, complete with the folder path that contains each of them.

What if you don’t like the paths, though? What if a file path traumatized you when you were a child? It’s lucky that there’s an easy way around that, then. Select the files again, and instead of dragging them, hit Command-C (or choose Edit > Copy), then go back to your TextEdit document and hit Command-V (or choose Edit > Paste). Holy crap, it’s a list of just the file names without the paths.

Easy, huh? Now you can print a list of your files without having to resort to third-party programs, screenshots, Terminal, or Automator. Or banging your head against a wall, either. That rarely does anyone any good.

Mac app change file names list

Certain actions that you perform on your Mac will cause default apps to open. For example, clicking a document may open Pages. But what if you want Microsoft Word to open instead? You can also set your default web browser and email reader.

Here's how!

How to change the default Mac app for specific file types

  1. Right-click on a file that uses the file type you'd like to change the default for. For example, one with a .jpg extension (a photo).
  2. Click on Get Info in the pop-up.
  3. Click Open With if the section isn't already expanded.
  4. Click the dropdown and choose an app.

    Turn off notifications on computer. Apr 14, 2020  The easiest way to turn off Mac notifications is by using Do Not Disturb. This will mute notifications so you won’t see or hear them (although you can view them by opening the Notification Center. Mar 18, 2020  RELATED: How to Turn Off Annoying Mac Notifications To do this, open the System Preferences app. You can launch this by clicking the Apple menu in the top-left of the menu bar and then pressing the “System Preferences” option. In the System Preferences app, click the “Notifications” option. Mar 23, 2018  Disable Banner Notifications For Any App. Maybe you don’t want to disable all notifications, but only those from a specific app. You can do that, too! Head to System Preferences Notifications, but this time pay attention to the left panel. Every application that uses notifications is. Stop notifications. On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Notifications. Open Notifications preferences for me. In Notifications preferences, select the app on the left, then deselect the Allow Notifications option for the app. All other notification options.

    Source: iMore

  5. Click Change All..
  6. Click Continue when the Finder asks you if you're sure.

    Source: iMore

Now any time you open a file with that extension, the Finder will automatically open it with the app you've selected.

How to set your default web browser

  1. Launch System Preferences from the dock, Finder, or by clicking the Apple icon in the Menu bar.
  2. Click General at the top left of the window.
  3. Click the dropdown next to Default web browser.
  4. Click the web browser you'd like to use as the default.

    Source: iMore

How to set your default email reader

Mail is likely the default email app on your Mac, but just in case you have others downloaded, you can set the default reader. Here's how:

  1. Launch Mail from your dock or the Finder.
  2. Click Mail in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Click Preferences.
  4. Click the dropdown next to Default Mail Reader.
  5. Click the app you'd like to set as the default.

    Source: iMore


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Updated February 2020: Updated for macOS Catalina!

macOS Catalina


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How To Change Computer Name On Mac


Open Any Files App Mac

Discord and others are down worldwide due to issues with Cloudfare

Change Mac Computer Name

Discord appears to be down worldwide due to some kind of outage. The team at Discord has acknowledged the issue, and promises that a fix is on the way.

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