Itunes Mac Menu Bar App

  1. Itunes Store Menu

There is no application that speaks Apple more than iTunes. First introduced in 2001, iTunes has become lot of things over the years — media store, player, and library, internet radio, music & video streaming service. It has come a long way, gradually introducing and perfecting features.

Despite earning the spot of go-to media hub in hearts of many, iTunes is still, unfortunately, not impeccable and has been reported to have bugs causing it to misbehave. Not to mention that excessive library items can get pretty overwhelming too. This guide, however, is here to help get these issues sorted out.

Menu bar apps on Mac Location. CashNotify is a menu bar app. Its icon is located on the right of your Mac’s menu bar. This area is like the system tray in Windows/Linux. Reordering apps. Apps in your menu bar can be moved around with Command+Drag. Hold down the Command ⌘ key while clicking on an icon, and you can drag it anywhere else on.

How to Delete Music from iTunes on Mac

Apple Music subscription makes it extremely easy to find and add new songs. You find a cool tune on iTunes featured playlist, end up checking out the artist and adding an entire album, and before you know it — you’re already exploring tons of stuff from similar artists. Point is, iTunes library can quickly get out of control. This can lead to having a ton of storage taken up by media that is rarely being put to use.

All in all, inevitably you end up having to regain free space on your main drive, tidy up your library and remove the music you don’t listen to (you can always download it back again as easily). Here’s how you can do it:

Note that these are generic devices, though, not specific ones. Mobile app vs responsive.

  • Jan 06, 2020 How to change the date and time in the Menu bar on the Mac. You can change the date, time, time zone, and look of the Date & Time of your Mac. Note: If you manually change the date and time on your Mac, you could negatively impact programs running on your computer, and possibly get banned from certain games that consider time alterations a method of cheating at a game, so tread lightly.
  • May 21, 2019  Tweet; Intro. In this post, I’ll give you a quick rundown of how to create a Menu Bar Extra for your macOS app. The Apple Dev Center docs explain all of this, but it took me a little while to piece it all together, so here’s a single document with the whole process in one place. What are Menu Bar Extras? “Menu Bar Extras” are what Apple calls those little icons in the upper right of.
  • I used this app exclusively for Apple Music before I learned that it simply wasn't worth the effort. Once my Apple Music subscription expires, I plan on switching to Spotify. The app is awful. The most visible problem is it lags terribly. I have a Dell G7 with 16GB of RAM and this app lags a ton.
  • Open iTunes
  • Select Library tab
  • Ctrl-click on the album you want to remove
  • Choose Delete from Library
  • Confirm you want to delete the item in the popped up screen
  • Hit Move to Trash again to move the file to Trash

You can hit Keep file but your item will not be removed from your actual disk.

How to Remove Duplicate Songs in iTunes

After you finish cleaning out your Library, take it one step further and remove song duplicates.

  • Open iTunes
  • Click on File in the menu bar
  • Select Library > Show Duplicate Files
  • Select the items you want to remove paying attention to song version and album
  • Hit Done

You can also opt for MacFly Pro to clean duplicates on your entire Mac (including iTunes) and make even more room on your disk.

  • Open MacFly Pro
  • Select Duplicates module and click Scan
  • Choose items to delete and hit Delete Selected

If iTunes performance is what’s giving you trouble, proceed to reinstalling it on your Mac.

How to Uninstall iTunes from Mac

Before you jump into completely deleting iTunes from your Mac, try downloading the latest version from Apple and running the installer. It should reinstall the app and potentially solve the problems you are dealing with. If, however, running the installer doesn’t help the case, try installing iTunes from scratch.

Itunes Store Menu

  • Go to Finder > Applications
  • Select and drag to Trash
  • Ctrl-click on Trash and hit Empty Trash

OSX may display an error when attempting to uninstall iTunes. If that’s what happened, try changing permissions:

  • Ctrl-click and choose Get Info
  • Expand Sharing & Permissions section and click the lock icon
  • Type in your admin password
  • Set everyone to Read & Write
  • Drag to Trash and empty it.

There are cases when macOS prevents you from changing permissions for security reasons. At this point, you should really reconsider if you want to continue tinkering with system files that Apple purposely restricted access to. Proceed if you decided not to throw in the towel just yet.


How to disable System Integrity Protection

Newer versions of macOS (namely Sierra and High Sierra) and their System Integrity Protection have been known to lock out users from making permission changes. This, obviously, is done with security in mind, yet makes actions like uninstalling iTunes problematic. To alter permissions, you will first have to disable SIP.

Note: there is no reason why you should be disabling SIP, unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

  • Restart your Mac and hold Command-R to boot into recovery mode
  • Click on Utilities in the menu bar and select Terminal
  • Run the following command to check the SIP status

csrutil status

  • Type in this command to disable SIP

csrutil disable

  • Restart your Mac and follow the guide to change permissions and delete

After performing fresh install, reboot to recovery again and re-enable SIP with the command: csrutil enable

Finally, it is worth mentioning that even altered permissions have not been able to solve the issue as macOS High Sierra just does not want you to remove iTunes. To fix the issues you are having with iTunes you may have to restore from a TimeMachine backup or reinstall macOS.

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