Missing Plug-in Error On Mac App


Jun 28, 2019  The problem is that the online plug-in cannot be installed because ICAWebWrapper.msi is missing. So where can we find this MSI file? It’s much easier than I expected. Open a command prompt as an administrator and go to the folder where you saved CitrixReceiver.exe and type the following to extract all msi files to a folder named Extract. Jul 23, 2018  May I know are you using the Mac Drive to store the app? Or, is it an external drive? Generally, it is recommended to stroe the app in the Mac default drive. Meanwhile, please right click on Skype Meetings App from Finder: choose 'Get info' check if you have the Read & Write permission.

  1. Fix Missing Plug In
  2. Missing Plug-in On Mac
  3. Missing Plug-in Error On Mac Apps

Online Plug-In - 12.3

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Missing plug-in error on mac app free

Oct 23, 2018  Yep. Citrix is moving away from Receiver and wants people to use the Workspace app as its replacement. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated either. I do IT support for a large hospital system and I've had our physicians (a lot of them are Mac users) to use Chrome or Firefox until Citrix gets it.

This package contains a software solution that has been replaced by a more recent version available for download from the Citrix support website (support.citrix.com). It is provided merely for your convenience. Citrix recommends applying the most up-to-date version of the software, which addresses the fix or enhancement being targeted. Later versions of the release may include multiple changes that address different areas including security vulnerabilities, code fixes, and enhancements. Installation of this software should only be performed on test or developmental environments. This software is not supported and is provided 'AS IS.' You are solely responsible for your selection and use of the software. Any reported issues will require the most current revision of the software (http://www.citrix.com/English/SS/supportThird.asp?slID=5107&tlID=1861652). Please visit our security site for additional security notices and information (support.citrix.com/securitybulletins ).


Applicable Products

Product: Citrix Online Plug-In
Current Product Version: 12.3
Previous Product Version: 12.1
Language: English (EN)
Fixed Issues List: 1.00

VersionDateChange Description
1.00April, 2012Initial release

Fix Missing Plug In

The following issues have been fixed since the release of Version 12.1 of the plug-in:

Missing Plug-in On Mac

Issue(s) Fixed in This Release

Missing Plug-in Error On Mac Apps

  1. A local Windows Taskbar set to autohide is not accessible when you maximize a seamless application.


  2. When reconnecting to a virtual desktop session from a different endpoint device, active pass-through XenApp published application sessions on the virtual desktop do not update the client name from the different endpoint device. As a result, determining the user location based on the client name parameter fails. This fix allows pass-through applications to be reconnected. It also enables the plug-in’s Reconnect option as well as the ability to reconnect to those applications from the command line.

    Note: Propagation of endpoint client names to pass-through applications requires you to complete the steps described in Knowledge Center article CTX101803.


  3. HDX MediaStream for Flash client-side content fetching does not work when the content is accessed over a secured site using CA SiteMinder authentication. To enable this fix in its entirety, you must install the following hotfixes:

    For XenApp deployments:

    • Online plug-in 12.1.36 or its replacement
    • An HDX Flash hotfix that contains Fix #229930

    For XenDesktop deployments:

    • Online plug-in 12.1.36 or its replacement
    • A Virtual Desktop Agent hotfix that contains Fix #229930


  4. This fix addresses the following proxy related issues in Secure Gateway and Access Gateway scenarios:

    • When attempting to launch a published application using a PAC script, a 'Connecting' message appears but the application fail to launch; the wfica32.exe process is consistently consuming up to 100% of CPU power.
    • If Windows Internet Explorer on the client device is set to automatically detect a proxy, connection attempts fail.


  5. The audio volume in virtual desktop sessions can be inconsistent. Specifically, the client audio volume setting can take precedence over the equivalent setting on the Virtual Desktop Agent.


  6. On certain client devices, using the automatic client download feature to install the online plug-in from Web Interface can cause Internet Explorer to become unresponsive instead of redirecting users to the Web Interface logon page.


  7. Users with roaming profiles can encounter the following error message: 'All components contained in this installation package are already installed. Click OK to exit installation' and attempts to launch applications fail.

    The issue occurs when a roaming user makes connection attempt A from client device A where there is no Web client installed and then makes a connection attempt B from client device B where there is also no Web client installed. Connection attempt A causes the Web client to be installed on device A as expected. However, when the user makes connection attempt B, it is erroneously assumed that the Web client is also installed on device B, which is not the case. Consequently, no attempt is made to install the Web client on device B, and attempts to launch applications from device B fail.


  8. When the Windows logon takes a long time due to, for example, Active Directory authentication, a full-screen published desktop does not display a status indicator to provide status feedback. This can be confusing to users. This fix modifies the behavior of the status indicator so that the indicator remains visible until the authentication completes.

    Note: To correct this issue in its entirety, you must install both a server hotfix and a plug-in hotfix that contains Fix #235374.


  9. Custom seamless applications can truncate child windows where the child windows overlap the parent window after retaking focus from a local window.


  10. As of Versions 11.2 of the online plug-in and 11.1.003 of Desktop Receiver, a new default behavior (#208294) for full-screen hosted sessions has been in place to where in multiple monitor configurations local applications can no longer be positioned in front of the hosted session. This enhancement introduces support for a registry setting that lets you revert to the previous behavior that allows you to position local applications in front of the hosted session. To implement this change on the client side, set the registry key 'TopMostOnFullScreen' as 'False' under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown ProfilesAll RegionsLockdownVirtual ChannelsSeamless Windows.' To implement this enhancement from the server side, add the following line to the [WFClient] section of the default.ica file on the server:


    default.ica is located at:

    • For Web Interface sites: C:InetpubwwwrootCitrixXenAppConfdefault.ica
    • For the online plug-in: C:InetpubwwwrootCitrixPNAgentConfdefault.ica


  11. With a smart card removal policy configured to disconnect a session upon removal of the smart card, Pnamain.exe can spike the server CPU when you remove the smart card from a pass-through session on the client device. Customers have also reported instances where disconnecting the session or closing the application will also cause Pnamain.exe to spike the CPU.


  12. Version 12.x of the plug-in can fail to launch applications. The issue occurs for non-administrative users in scenarios where the AlwaysInstallElevated policy is enabled and the CitrixOnlinePluginWeb package is installed on a per-user basis rather than on a per-device basis. In this scenario, some registry entries are created under HKLM and others under HKCU (as the installation is launched with elevated privileges). As a result, applications fail to launch.


  13. When Flash content uses protocols not supported by server-side content fetching, the player fails to load the Flash content and waits infinitely. With this fix, the rendering reverts to server-side when an unsupported protocol is detected.


  14. Certain USB devices attached to a Virtual Desktop Agent can render the endpoint device unresponsive when the endpoint device goes into standby and/or hibernation mode.


  15. The wfica.exe process can experience an access violation causing the plug-in to exit unexpectedly while playing certain multimedia files.


  16. After resizing a published desktop to full screen, pressing the Windows key opens the Start menu of the client device.


  17. The wfica32.exe process can exit unexpectedly when launching multiple seamless applications through a proxy.


  18. Security messages configured to appear when logging on to a server running XenApp 6 can obstruct the session launch progress indicator. This fix also addresses an issue where users connecting to a non-maximized desktop session cannot see a progress bar on the client side.


  19. The pnamain.exe process can exit unexpectedly in multiple processor environments.


  20. This enhancement provides proxy detection logic optimization so that the logic reverts to use 'Use automatic configuration script' when Internet Explorer's 'Automatically detect settings' option is enabled and Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) is not available on the network.


  21. ICA connections through the Secure Gateway fail from a custom Web Interface site when using the Firefox Web browser.


  22. While in an ICA or Virtual Desktop session, pressing certain keys when the local operating system has focus can have the same effect as if the Windows key was pressed in combination with the that key. For example, pressing e launches Windows Explorer, as if the Windows key+e was pressed.

    Note: This fix replaces Fix #211067.


  23. Dazzle connections are not recognized as trusted by Client Selective Trust.


  24. When opening a client mapped serial port, invoking Flash redirection by visiting a Web site with Flash content, and closing the port, the serial port cannot be reopened.

    To ouse your Vodafone Mobile Broadband USB Stick on a Apple Mac with OS X or macOS, you will need to install a version of the Vodafone Mobile Broadband for Mac app.When you plug in your USB Stick into your Mac for the first time, a desk icon will appear on your desktop. Vodafone mobile broadband software mac Open the disk's window, double-click the app and then follow the on-screen instructions to complete setting it up.The current release of the Vodafone Mobile Broadband for Mac app, which you can download from this website, supports the following.


  25. With the Desktop Appliance Lock installed, if multiple logon methods are specified on the Web Interface site and smart card authentication is specified as the preferred method, users cannot change their authentication method to connect to XenDesktop because no user interface is present for that purpose. With this fix, if no smart card is present in the reader, the default logon method switches to the first non-smart card method configured.


  26. Disabling audio queuing as a means of preventing multiple Microsoft Outlook appointment reminders from sounding at the same time (as described in Knowledge Center article CTX118453) can cause sound to be inaudible in the client session and the ctxsvchost.exe process to spike the CPU.


  27. When connected seamlessly to an application published on XenApp for UNIX using online plug-in Version 12.0 or later, screen rectangles can corrupt or appear in the wrong location while refreshing if the session is left idle for a while or if you switch between local and remote windows often. Published applications have been reported to become unresponsive and a message might appear indicating the session was disconnected.


  28. When the subscribing virtual machine establishes an ICA session with the publishing virtual machine, the user is required to enter credentials for the publishing virtual machine. The Windows authentication screen that appears on the subscribing virtual machine fails to get keyboard focus. To resolve this issue in its entirety, you must also use XenClient 2.0 or later.


  29. When starting a XenDesktop session from within the XenClient virtual machine, USB devices attached to the XenClient virtual machine are not passed through to the XenDesktop virtual machine.


  30. When starting an ICA session, users might inadvertently switch focus to a local window. When this happens, the Windows logon screen of the subscribing virtual machine is not visible. This can leave users unaware that a session has launched and to think they cannot authenticate to the publishing virtual machine nor proceed with their session. If at that time, users attempt to restart the connection, an error message appears, indicating that a session cannot be established.


  31. With TWAIN redirection enabled, a Cerner application fails to acquire images from a USB camera.


  32. Desktop shortcuts to published applications can take a long time to recreate after refreshing the list of published applications. The issue occurs because as of Version 12.0 of the plug-in, the location of the icon cache was changed from the Roaming App Data to the Local App Data folder. This fix introduces support for the following registry that, if set, prevents the plug-in from repopulating the full icon cache when refreshing applications:

    Name: UseRoamFolder
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: 1 Neat receipts software download free.


  33. After upgrading to version 12.1 of the online plug-in, an SSL Error 40 can occur when attempting to connect to a server through the Secure Gateway and a proxy.


  34. After reconnecting to a disconnected session, the local Windows Taskbar can take focus from a full-screen published desktop.


  35. Client sessions might fail to connect when using Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway as a proxy server.


  36. Setting ConnectionBar=1 in one or more [PublishedApplication] sections of the default.ica file causes the connection bar to be present in all applications running in the session – not just in the applications specified in the .ica file.


  37. Custom applications that query the COM port's supported baud rate capability can fail when the rate is set at speeds above 9,200 baud.


  38. After unlocking a virtual desktop session with a USB device attached to the client device, the Desktop Viewer can be unresponsive.


  39. When you establish an RDP connection to the primary monitor of a dual-monitor endpoint device connected to a full-screen Virtual Desktop session that spans both screens and has the Desktop Viewer located on the secondary screen, the Desktop Viewer is not repositioned to the primary monitor within the RDP session.


  40. Content redirection can fail if the extended parameter contains non-ASCII characters.


  41. Attempts to launch applications can fail if the DNS aliases for XenApp servers contain underscores (“_”).


  42. Disabling short file names by setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlFileSystemNtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation=1 can cause sessions to fail to launch.


  43. On client devices running Microsoft Windows 7, the online plug-in does not detect the Internet over UMTS WAN connections.


  44. The Olympus USB Digital Voice Recorder and other USB digital audio devices can fail to be redirected when reconnecting to a disconnected Virtual Desktop session; the issue is resolved when you unplug and reconnect the device after reconnecting. This fix introduces support for the following registry key to prevent the issue with HID and media devices:

    Name: EnableForceRestartForHID
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: 1


  45. When using the online plug-in in pass-through mode, vdcdm30n.dll can cause the wfica32.exe process to exit unexpectedly while attempting to access mapped client drives.


  46. In certain configurations involving Special Folder Redirection and a Citrix GPO configured to enable client drive mapping, the plug-in can exit unexpectedly.


  47. Pass-through authentication fails when launching a virtual desktop session with client selective trust enabled. To enable this fix, you must set the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECitrixICA ClientClient Selective Trust Aux
    Name: EvidenceIcaServer
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: <non-zero value to enable server matching; 0 to disable server matching>


  48. With HDX MediaStream Multimedia Acceleration enabled, video fails to render on Windows XP desktops. A black square appears in place of the video instead.


  49. In full-screen mode, the Desktop Viewer does not honor client-side 'Always on top' settings that some applications, such as media players, offer. To enable this fix, set 'TopMostonFullScreen=Off' in the [WFClient] section of default.ica, located in the IIS directory of the Web Interface server.


  50. When using a batch file to create printers, printers fail to autocreate if there are printer name mismatches.


  51. On Windows 7 client devices, when launching a published application in seamless mode, the connection status progress bar minimizes to the taskbar before the connection is complete.


  52. When using a custom Delivery Services Console as described in Knowledge Center article CTX126752, the following can be observed:

    • Client-side seamless application windows can get corrupted when moved or resized after the shadowing stops.
    • Mouse operations can be erratic when shadowing is stopped and then resumed; specifically, the mouse pointer appears to be parked in the top left corner of the session window and immediately returns to that general area after attempting to move it.

    Note: To address this issue in its entirety, you must install both a server and a client hotfix that contains Fix #258866.


  53. Pressing the letter 'l' key in a seamless application can inadvertently lock the session.


  54. In certain configurations, the Connection Center icon can be missing from the Windows notification area.


  55. After upgrading a client device with Version 12.1 of the online plug-in installed to Windows Internet Explorer 9, attempts to launch applications from the Web Interface fail and a 'Sharing Violation' error occurs. The issue occurs because Internet Explorer cannot access the cached ICA file.


  56. The value for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown ProfilesAll RegionsLockdownNetworkProxyProxyType is case-sensitive; when the value is set to to 'none' (all lowercase), the setting is ignored. This fix removes the case-sensitivity.


  57. If the name of a published application contains an ampersand (&), refreshing applications from the notification area indicates that the plug-in does not have connectivity even though it does.


  58. When launching a full-screen virtual desktop session from the Web Interface with the Classic desktop theme and the language bar enabled, local windows can appear in front of the virtual desktop window and intermittently take focus from the virtual desktop.


  59. The Event Log unnecessarily logs error messages when the plug-in pings servers for availability.


  60. AutoCAD 2012 LT might become unresponsive when launched in seamless mode.


  61. This feature enhancement introduces support for an ICA file setting to instruct the Desktop Viewer to launch full-screen across all available monitors in multiple monitor configurations. To enable this enhancement, add the following parameter to the [Applications] section of the ICA file:


    A new registry setting has been added to enable/disable the enhancement. The registry Value name 'ForceFullScreen' can be created for a 'Per Desktop' setting or for 'Global setting.' The Value name 'ForceFullScreen' is a REG DWORD value having values '0' (for disabling) and '1' (for enabling).

    For Global setting, create the 'ForceFullScreen' Value name at:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARECitrixXenDesktopDesktopViewer on 32-bit machines and
    HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREWow6432NodeCitrixXenDesktopDesktopViewer on 64-bit machines

    Per Desktop setting is under the subkey name by the desktop name.

    The following priority order is used:

    1. per desktop
    2. global setting
    3. ica file
    4. default to false


  62. When running Dynamic Printer Discovery on a client against a server that does not support the feature and no printers are created on the client, published application launches can experience delays of up to 10 seconds.


  63. Attempts to reconnect to a disconnected session from an ICA file can fail.


  64. This fix addresses an issue where duplex printing fails when the Universal Printer driver is configured and has to be done manually instead.


  65. When running different applications in seamless mode, using different user accounts - for example, a Microsoft Word document and a command prompt, the user is required to release the mouse button several times to refresh the user interface while scrolling up and down the Word document.


  66. Attempts to print to network printers hosted on Fedora Linux print servers fail when using Online plug-in 12.0 and 12.1.


  67. Disabling audio queuing as a means of preventing multiple Microsoft Outlook appointment reminders from sounding at the same time (as described in Knowledge Center article CTX118453) can cause sound to be inaudible in the client session and the ctxsvchost.exe process to spike the CPU.


  68. When using a roaming profile and launching a published application the second time, the icon changes to low resolution.


  69. When client-side IME input method is enabled for the client (wfica32.exe /LocalIME:On), and a local, client-side IME language bar is enabled as well, the local, client-side IME language bar is not visible when the ICA session has focus.


  70. When launching the online plug-in on a published desktop configured for smart card pass-through authentication over a remote desktop (RDP) connection, the regular Microsoft Windows logon screen appears instead of the smart card PIN prompt.


  71. This feature enhancement allows you to suppress the following, recurring message that appears in the notification area when the user removes a device from the network and the online plug-in can no longer connect to the server:

    'Citrix online plug-in could not contact the server. Please check your network connection.'

    To suppress the message, set the following registry key:

    Name: SuppressDisconnectMessage
    Type: REG_BINARY
    Data: <default>


  72. Attempts to automatically reconnect to a disconnected virtual desktop can cause the Desktop Viewer to become unresponsive after the endpoint returns from standby mode.


  73. Using the pass-through client to launch an application published on the same server as the client creates an additional session if the domain name contains a period (.).


  74. With the option Automatically Detect Settings enabled in Internet Explorer 8, sessions can fail to launch. The WFICA32.EXE process remains at 50% and the progress bar becomes unresponsive at three bars.


  75. When using remote assistance software to shadow a Windows XP XenDesktop desktop viewer session with an odd (non-even) horizontal resolution, the shadowing window is skewed.


  76. Applying Group Policy/Client Selective Trust settings to restrict the HDX File Access/Microphone permissions does not cause the related options in the HDX tab of Desktop Viewer Preferences to be disabled. Setting the InstantiatedSecurityPolicyEditable registry key to 'false' as described in the procedure in Knowledge Center article CTX128792 disables those options in the Connection Center. After applying this fix, performing the same procedure also disables the options in the online plug-in user interface.


  77. SSL connections using Access Gateway Enterprise as the ICA proxy through the Web Interface fail, an SSL Error 85 occurs, and applications fail to launch. The issue occurs because the SSLSDK does not support the Certificate Policy Constraints extension in X509 certificates. This fix adds support for the X509 extension Certificate Policies. To enable this fix, you must set the following registry key:

    Name: EnableCertificatePolicyVerification
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: 1


  78. If an application is set to 'disabled' on the server, clicking its application shortcut on the client's Start menu creates a duplicate shortcut for the application on the client's Start menu.


  79. With Browser Acceleration enabled, attempts to open a Sharepoint site with a GIF image on it can cause Windows Internet Explorer to exit unexpectedly. To address this issue in its entirety, you must install both a client and a server hotfix that contains Fix #LA0496.


  80. A change introduced in Version 12.1 of the online plug-in introduced a delay in the appearance of the connection progress bar for seamless connections. However, for sessions connecting to slower servers, this behavior is not always desirable. This enhancement introduces support for the following registry key that allows you to configure the duration of the delay:

    On 32-bit Windows:

    Name: NotificationDelay
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: <Delay, in milliseconds>

    On 64-bit Windows:

    Name: NotificationDelay
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: <Delay, in milliseconds>


  81. TWAIN devices, such as scanners, might no longer be displayed and available in a session.


  82. This is an enhancement that allows you to enable custom protocols for server to client content redirection. The protocols listed in Knowledge Center article CTX113457 are supported and enabled by default. To add support for additional protocols:

    1. Deploy this plug-in.
    2. Import the ICA Client policy settings using one of the methods described in eDocs at http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/online-plugin-121-windows/ica-import-icaclient-template-v2.html.
    3. Under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) > Citrix Components > Citrix online plug-in > Client Engine, edit the SFTA Extra URL protocols setting for the protocols for which you want to enable redirection. Use the following format and separate protocols by a semicolon (;):


  83. When clicking the clock in the notification area of a XenApp 5 session running on Windows Server 2008, the following error message appears:

    'Unknown Time Zone..'

    To enable this fix in its entirety, you must install both a client a server hotfix that contains fix #LA1044.


  84. With the Desktop Viewer disabled, a full-screen client session does not adjust the screen resolution of the Virtual Desktop Agent in response to a change in screen resolution on the endpoint.


  85. Upon reconnecting to a disconnected session, the Desktop Viewer (cdviewer.exe) can exit unexpectedly.


  86. When launching a published application, the explorer.exe process might exit unexpectedly.


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