Mac App From Bash Script


UNIX's (arguably) most popular and easy to use shell, now ported and ready to use in MacOSX.1. Recommended for shell newbies and vets alike, this is the UNIX. It’s far easier (and gives fewer problems with scripts) to follow this procedure: Create your shell script (ex Give it execution permissions ( chmod 755./ Get Info → Open with: → (associate the Terminal app) Get Info → (put the icon you want on it). Feb 20, 2016  I want to create a app kind of like Ds Store Remover but it will remove directories instead of just one file. So I was wondering how do I go about doing this I have a bash script the code is below I just need to know what to do. To have the app ask for root password and allow the user to select the directory that they want these directories. Wine (originally an acronym for 'Wine Is Not an Emulator') is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, & BSD.


Apr 16, 2008
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I'm wondering what I'm missing here. I'm trying to create a little script that executes in a terminal session. I'm using bash (the default terminal shell). Here's what I did in a terminal session to try to make one--
$ ed mmm
mmm: No such file or directory
echo 'Hello World!'
$ ls -l mmm
-rw-r--r-- 1 markhenri staff 32 Apr 28 10:24 mmm
$ chmod +x mmm
$ ls -l mmm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 markhenri staff 32 Apr 28 10:24 mmm
$ mmm
-bash: mmm: command not found
$ bash mmm
Hello World!
$ sh mmm
Hello World!
Seems like this should be an executable file? On line docs say this is how you do it. Is it something with my rights/privileges? I tried also as well as #!/bin/sh in the first line. The script runs fine if you invoke the shell command before it. Odd?

When it comes to setting up your command line environment in Bash, there are two conditions by which Bash decides which files to read at startup.

The first is whether your shell is running interactively. A session runs interactively when the standard streams are actually connected to a terminal. This condition holds true most of the time; the exception is when you run Bash with the '-c' flag:

The second condition is whether your shell is declared as a login shell. Bash processes spawned from login or started with the '-' or '--login' flags believe they are login shells.

Here's the standard behavior: login shells always look for the bash configuration files with 'profile' in the name, in this order: /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, then ~/.bash_login and lastly ~/.profile. When login shells exit, they read ~/.bash_logout.


Writing A Bash Script Mac

Non-login shells read ~/.bashrc, and non-interactive shells try not to read any files. This is essential because, when running autonomously, a shell's standard streams might be redirected, and aliases or environment variables could confound running scripts.

Well-behaved scripts or programs that use Bash don't attempt to load .bashrc, but scp and rcp aren't as well-behaved. They source .bashrc and will fail spectacularly if any part of .bashrc prints to the standard out. This is why you should keep any output-producing commands in the files read by login shells (.bash_profile and the like).


On Linux, it is customary for terminal emulators not to declare their interactive shell processes as login shells. It is assumed that by running the emulator program, you have already logged in. But if you want to share declarations and/or aliases across all interactive shells (login or not), you should put this in your .bash_profile:

This makes non-login shell customizations available to login shells.

Unfortunately, this customary behavior isn't adhered to by Mac OS X. In the terminal emulator packaged with OS X (, new windows are by default opened with login shells. This can be remedied by accessing the Preferences window and, under Startup, specifying that shells should open with /bin/bash and not a login shell.

In summary: login shells read files like *profile*, non-login shells read ~/.bashrc, and you should fix

Mac App From Bash Scripture

Bash is a shell originally written by Brian Fox at the Free Software Foundation in 1988. It is the default shell on Linux and Mac OS X, and has even made the jump to Windows via Cygwin.

Hello Daniel,Thank you for providing me a detail information of your concern. Samsung se 506cb. As you've mentioned above, there's a huge possibility that the said company no longer provides drivers or firmware updates for the said external ROM-drive in Windows 10. My device was manufactured in December 2015, I read online that some people have that problem, other once don't.I found a succession online to try a USB Y-cable to use the additional power from another USB but it didn't work.Additionally I tried this recommendation but it didn't work for any of my PCs either:someone any recommendation which other things I could try?Thanks a lot, Daniel! CDs and DVDs work on both systemsfine.I have the latest firmware (TS02) on it and Samsung doesn't provide any special software for windows 10 for that drive.

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