C App Mac Os X

Mac malware often spies on users by recording audio and video sessions..sometimes in an undetected manner.
OverSight monitors a mac's mic and webcam, alerting the user when the internal mic is activated, or whenever a process accesses the webcam.
compatibility: OS X 10.10+
current version: 1.2.0 (change log)
zip's sha-1: adae7e8a2d4f78489205d6b0c3017c3ebf733f6f

One of the most insidious actions of malware, is abusing the audio and video capabilities of an infected host to record an unknowing user. Macs, of course, are not immune; malware such as OSX/FruitFly, OSX/Crisis, OSX/Mokes, and others, all attempt to spy on Mac users. OverSight constantly monitors a system, alerting a user whenever the internal microphone is activated, or the built-in webcam is accessed. And yes, while the webcam's LED will turn on whenever a session is initially started, new research has shown that malware can surreptitious piggyback into such existing sessions (FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.) and record both audio and video - without fear of detection.

Q: KnockKnock found many applications, should I be worried? KnockKnock simply enumerates items that are automatically started; either during startup, during login, or during another application's launch (e.g. Browser extensions). Although signed-Apple items are filtered out by default, many legitimate 3rd-party items will likely be shown. Of course, the goal is that KnockKnock will also. Mastering the C programming language - a classic code environment used to build software, apps, and whole operating systems - is a great skill, and Mac OS X makes it easy to learn.

As with any security tool, direct or proactive attempts to specifically bypass OverSight's protections will likely succeed. Moreover, the current version over OverSight utilizes user-mode APIs in order to monitor for audio and video events. Thus any malware that has a kernel-mode or rootkit component may be able to access the webcam and mic in an undetected manner.

Oct 24, 2019  Mac mini introduced in early 2009 or later iMac introduced in mid 2007 or later Mac Pro introduced in early 2008 or later Xserve models introduced in early 2009. To find your Mac model, memory, storage space, and macOS version, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu. If your Mac isn't compatible with OS X Yosemite, the installer will let. Nov 29, 2017  How to download older Mac OS X versions via the App Store. If you once had purchased an old version of Mac OS X from the App Store, open it and go to the Purchased tab. There you’ll find all the installers you can download. However, it doesn’t always work that way. To be perfectly clear, Apple’s Xcode is a fabulous development system for C, C, Objective-C and even Fortran 77. You can build native OS X and iOS apps. But many researchers and scientists.

C App Mac Os X

To install OverSight, first download the zip archive containing the application. Depending on your browser, you may need to manually unzip the application by double-clicking on the zipped archive:
Then, simply double-click on 'OverSight_Installer.app'. Click 'Install' to install the tool:
OverSight can also be installed via the command-line. Just execute the installer application with the -install flag:
$ sudo OverSight_Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/OverSight_Installer -install
OVERSIGHT: install ok!

Once OverSight is installed, it will be running and is set to automatically start each time you log in.
By default, when running OverSight adds an icon () to the status menu. Clicking on this icon will display a menu with various information and configuration options:
While OverSight is running, anytime the internal microphone is activated, or a process accesses the built-in webcam, OverSight will alert you of this fact.
Below is an example of an OverSight mic alert, generated when an application (Shazam.app) has activated the internal microphone:
Besides alerting that the mic has been activated, the alert contains the name and process identifier of the process responsible for the alert (i.e. 'Shazam'). Moreover, the notification allows one to either 'allow' the process, or terminate it via the 'block' option.
If the 'allow' option is selected, a popup will be displayed asking if the process should be allowed always, or just this once:
Clicking the 'Yes, Always' will 'white-list' the application - meaning that in the future no OverSight alert will be displayed; the application will be automatically allowed. White-listed applications can be viewed via OverSight's preferences pane (discussed below):
When OverSight detects that the webcam has been activated, or, that a secondary process has accessed the camera (while it's already in use) it will display an alert:
The webcam notifications will contain the name of the process (i.e. Facetime) and its process identifier. Just like with the mic notification, it will also contain the 'allow' or 'block' options.
Note, in some cases OverSight cannot identify the process responsible for activating the mic or webcam. When this (rarely?) occurs, a more generic alert will be shown. For example, a mic activation alert:
In order to configure OverSight, simply click on its icon () in the status menu. Then click on 'Preferences':
This preferences window will also be shown if you run OverSight.app from the /Applications folder.
  • 'Log activity'
    This preference specifies whether or not OverSight should log start/stop and audio/video events.
    OverSight's log file is located at: ~/Library/Application Support/Objective-See/OverSight/OverSight.log.
    Click the 'view' link just to the right of the 'Log Activity' label to open the log file. When this preference is enabled, OverSight will also log to the system log via syslog().

  • 'Start at login'
    This preference specifies whether OverSight should be started automatically at login, or not. This preferences is on by default meaning OverSight will provide continual protection.

  • 'Run in 'headless' mode'
    By default, OverSight will create an () in the status menu. Enabling this preferences will remove this icon, though OverSight will still be running, providing protection. If you wish to re-enable the status bar menu icon, run OverSight.app from the /Applications, and uncheck this preference.

  • 'Disable 'inactive' alerts'
    When this preference is checked, OverSight will not display an alert when the mic or camera is deactivated.

  • 'Automatically check for updates'
    This preference controls whether or not OverSight will automatically check for new versions at startup. If there is a new version, OverSight will display a popup prompting you to upgrade.
As previously mentioned, clicking on the 'Manage Rules' button will open a window that displays all white-listed applications. To remove any application, simply click the 'x' button in it's row.
To uninstall OverSight, re-run 'OverSight_Installer.app' (you can re-download it if needed). Clicking the 'Uninstall' button will both stop and remove OverSight from your Mac:
OverSight can also be uninstalled via the command-line. Just execute the installer application with the -uninstall flag:
$ sudo OverSight_Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/OverSight_Installer -uninstall
OVERSIGHT: uninstall ok!

To manually uninstall OverSight, first stop it (via the 'Quit' menu option), then delete the 'Oversight.app' from the /Applications folder. Then delete the login item (System Preferences, Groups & Users -> Current User -> Login Items). Finally delete the ~/Library/Application Support/Objective-See/OverSight/ directory.
The following table briefly summarizes OverSight's components, capabilities, and system footprint:
Executable ComponentCapabilitySystem Footprint/Impact
OverSight_Installer.appInstalls or uninstalls OverSightInstall:
a) copies OverSight.app to /Applications
b) starts OverSight_Helper.app
c) creates ~/Library/Application Support/Objective-See/OverSight/OverSight.log
a) stops OverSight_Helper.app
b) removes OverSight.app (+ all sub-components)
c) removes ~/Library/Application Support/Objective-See/OverSight/
OverSight.appLocated in /Applications.
Displays OverSight's preferences pane
Contains OverSight_Helper.app
OverSight_Helper.appLocated in /Applications/OverSight.app/

Monitors for audio and video events
Automatically started by the OS when the user logs in
Contains OverSightXPC.xpc
OverSightXPC.xpcLocated in /

Performs high-privileged actions, such as
determining what process is using the webcam
When user white-lists an application, creates ~/Library/Application Support/Objective-See/OverSight/whitelist.plist

In terms of networking code, each time OverSight starts, it queries https://objective-see.com/products/versions/oversight.json to see if there is a new version of the tool. This can be disabled via the 'Automatically check for updates' option in OverSight's preferences pane. Other than this simple version check, it contains no other networking capabilities.
Q: Why does the OverSight Installer need my password?
A: In order to determine what process(es) is/are using the webcam, OverSight interfaces with Apple's 'camera daemon.' This requires elevated privileges. Also if the user clicks, 'block' when a process is detected using the camera, OverSight will terminate the process. Again, this action (may) require elevated privileges.
Q: How can I tell if OverSight is installed and running?
A: When started, OverSight adds an icon () to the status menu. The presence of this icon, indicates that the process is running (unless you've told it to run in 'headless' mode). One can also check if it's running, via the Activity Monitor.app. Select View->All Processes, and look for a running process named OverSight_Helper
Q: Why does it take OverSight, a few seconds to display the webcam/mic usage notification?
A: There is not easy way to determine what process is using the webcam or mic, when either is activated. Worse, there is no direct indication that a new process is accessing an existing a webcam session. Thus OverSight has to perform various tests and has to poll the system (only when the camera/mic is active) in order to determine what process(es) is/are accessing the device. This takes a few seconds..mahalo for your patience!
Q: Why can't OverSight detect what process is using the mic/webcam?
A: While there is no direct way to determine what process is using the webcam or mic, OverSight can almost always figure this via indirect means. If it fails to identify any process (but can still detect that the webcam/mic was activated), Oversight will still generate a notification stating the device was activated. However, this notification will not contain any process information, nor of course, the ability to 'allow'/'block' the process.
Q: How is OverSight different than other tools (such as MicroSnitch)?
A: OverSight is unique in a variety of ways:
  • OverSight is 100% free (no demo mode, limited functionality, etc).

  • OverSight is able to identify the process that is accessing the webcam.
    When your webcam's LED light randomly comes on, you'd want to know what process triggered that, right?

  • OverSight provides the means to either 'allow' or 'block' a process that is accessing the mic/webcam

  • OverSight allows one to whitelist process, allowing access to either the mic or webcam without any subsequent alerts

  • OverSight can detect secondary 'consumer' processes that may be piggy-backing off a legitimate webcam session in order to stealthily record the user without detection. (See: 'Getting Duped: Piggybacking on Webcam Streams for Surreptitious Recordings' for details on this novel attack).

Q: Any other questions?
A: Feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected].

This document is the starting point for learning how to create Mac apps. It contains fundamental information about the OS X environment and how your apps interact with that environment. It also contains important information about the architecture of Mac apps and tips for designing key parts of your app.

At a Glance

Cocoa is the application environment that unlocks the full power of OS X. Cocoa provides APIs, libraries, and runtimes that help you create fast, exciting apps that automatically inherit the beautiful look and feel of OS X, as well as standard behaviors users expect.


Cocoa Helps You Create Great Apps for OS X

You write apps for OS X using Cocoa, which provides a significant amount of infrastructure for your program. Fundamental design patterns are used throughout Cocoa to enable your app to interface seamlessly with subsystem frameworks, and core application objects provide key behaviors to support simplicity and extensibility in app architecture. Key parts of the Cocoa environment are designed particularly to support ease of use, one of the most important aspects of successful Mac apps. Many apps should adopt iCloud to provide a more coherent user experience by eliminating the need to synchronize data explicitly between devices.

Relevant Chapters:The Mac Application Environment, The Core App Design, and Integrating iCloud Support Into Your App

Common Behaviors Make Apps Complete

During the design phase of creating your app, you need to think about how to implement certain features that users expect in well-formed Mac apps. Integrating these features into your app architecture can have an impact on the user experience: accessibility, preferences, Spotlight, services, resolution independence, fast user switching, and the Dock. Enabling your app to assume full-screen mode, taking over the entire screen, provides users with a more immersive, cinematic experience and enables them to concentrate fully on their content without distractions.

Relevant Chapters:Supporting Common App Behaviors and Implementing the Full-Screen Experience

Get It Right: Meet System and App Store Requirements

Configuring your app properly is an important part of the development process. Mac apps use a structured directory called a bundle to manage their code and resource files. And although most of the files are custom and exist to support your app, some are required by the system or the App Store and must be configured properly. The application bundle also contains the resources you need to provide to internationalize your app to support multiple languages.

Finish Your App with Performance Tuning

As you develop your app and your project code stabilizes, you can begin performance tuning. Of course, you want your app to launch and respond to the user’s commands as quickly as possible. A responsive app fits easily into the user’s workflow and gives an impression of being well crafted. You can improve the performance of your app by speeding up launch time and decreasing your app’s code footprint.

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How to Use This Document

This guide introduces you to the most important technologies that go into writing an app. In this guide you will see the whole landscape of what's needed to write one. That is, this guide shows you all the 'pieces' you need and how they fit together. There are important aspects of app design that this guide does not cover, such as user interface design. However, this guide includes many links to other documents that provide details about the technologies it introduces, as well as links to tutorials that provide a hands-on approach.

In addition, this guide emphasizes certain technologies introduced in OS X v10.7, which provide essential capabilities that set your app apart from older ones and give it remarkable ease of use, bringing some of the best features from iOS to OS X.

See Also

The following documents provide additional information about designing Mac apps, as well as more details about topics covered in this document:

  • To work through a tutorial showing you how to create a Cocoa app, see Start Developing Mac Apps Today.

  • For information about user interface design enabling you to create effective apps using OS X, see OS X Human Interface Guidelines.

  • To understand how to create an explicit app ID, create provisioning profiles, and enable the correct entitlements for your application, so you can sell your application through the Mac App Store or use iCloud storage, see App Distribution Guide.

  • For a general survey of OS X technologies, see Mac Technology Overview.

  • To understand how to implement a document-based app, see Document-Based App Programming Guide for Mac.

Copyright © 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Updated: 2015-03-09

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