Build Mac Menu Bar App With Script


Make a Menu Bar App. Mac menu bar apps are pretty easy to make, and fun! See how to put together a clock (that tells time via color) in this short Swift course. There are 6 episodes. Starting Your Mac App Project. What to Build After Your Mac Swift App is Completed.

  1. MacOS: 10 great menu bar apps The Mac’s menu bar can be a fantastic tool if you have the right apps for it. Here are some terrific menu bar apps to get you started.
  2. May 21, 2019  The withLength: argument is telling the statusItem method that you want a square icon (as opposed to a variable-width one). Almost all of the menu bar extras I’ve seen are square, so that’s what we’re going with. Set up the Status Item button. The appearance of the NSStatusItem is handled by its button property, which is an NSStatusBarButton, which is itself a fairly thin wrapper around.
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Script Editor User Guide

You can show the Script menu in the menu bar to make it easy to access your scripts.

The Script menu already contains many useful scripts, but you can also add your own. The Script menu supports applets, droplets, and uncompiled scripts, as well as aliases, even to remote computers.

Show the Script menu in the menu bar

  1. In the Script Editor app on your Mac, choose Script Editor > Preferences, then click General.

  2. Select the “Show Script menu in menu bar” checkbox, then make sure the “Show Computer scripts” checkbox is selected.

    The Script menu appears on the right side of the menu bar.

The next time you need to access a script, just click the Script menu icon in the menu bar, then choose an option.

Add a script to the Script menu

Build Mac Menu Bar App With Scripture

  • In the Script Editor app on your Mac, save your script as a file in the Finder, then copy the file into the Script Editor Scripts folder (located in the Script folder in the Library folder on your startup disk).

See alsoAdd commands using the shortcut menu in Script Editor on Mac

Using the Systemwide Script Menu

The OS X script menu provides quick access to your collection of scripts. Simply select a script in the menu at any time to run it instantly. Within the script menu, scripts can be organized into subfolders and by application. See Figure 41-1.


Mediatomb, an open source DLNA server for Linux. (no longer active) Gerbera, free open source DLNA server based on Mediatomb; Moode, a music-centric DLNA server for Linux running on Raspberry Pi. MythTV, an open-source HTPC and PVR software for Linux, with a built-in UPnP AV MediaServer. Download Universal Media Server for free. Streams many media formats with minimal configuration. Universal Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server Universal Media Server supports all major operating systems, with versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no configuration. Dlna media server software.

The script menu can run compiled scripts, as well as scripts saved as apps. It can also run UNIX shell scripts and Automator workflows.

Enabling the Script Menu

The script menu is disabled by default in OS X.

  1. Launch Script Editor, located in /Applications/Utilities/.

  2. Select Script Editor > Preferences, or press Command-Comma (,), to open the preferences window.

  3. Enable the “Show Script menu in menu bar” checkbox.

  4. Choose whether application scripts—scripts that appear only when a corresponding app is in the front—should appear at the top or bottom of the script menu.


The script menu displays scripts in the ~/Library/Scripts/ folder of your user directory. To include scripts at the computer-level (in the /Library/Scripts/ folder), enable the “Show Computer scripts” checkbox.

Adding User-Level Scripts to the Script Menu

User-level scripts are scripts that only you can see and use. They aren’t available to other users on your Mac.

To add user-level scripts to the script menu, save them into the ~/Library/Scripts/ folder of your user directory. For quick access to this folder, select Open Scripts Folder > Open User Scripts Folder from the script menu. When you do this, the folder is automatically created if it doesn’t already exist.

Adding Computer-Level Scripts to the Script Menu

Computer-level scripts are scripts that any user on your Mac can see and use.

To add computer-level scripts to the script menu, save them into the /Library/Scripts/ folder on your Mac. For quick access to this folder, select Open Scripts Folder > Open Computer Scripts Folder from the script menu. When you do this, the folder is automatically created if it doesn’t already exist.

Adding Application-Specific Scripts to the Script Menu

Application-specific scripts are only visible in the script menu when a specific app is in the front.

To add application-specific scripts to the script menu, save them into the ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/«ApplicationName» folder in your user directory or the /Library/Scripts/Applications/«ApplicationName» folder on your Mac. For quick access to this folder, bring the app to the front, then select Open Scripts Folder > Open «ApplicationName» Scripts Folder from the script menu. When you do this, a folder for the application is automatically created if it doesn’t already exist.

Running Scripts in the Script Menu

Build Mac Menu Bar App

Select a script from the script menu to run it. If the script is an application, it launches and runs normally. If the script is a compiled script, a progress indicator appears in the menu bar. See Figure 41-2.


To reveal a script in the script menu, select it in the menu while pressing the Shift key.

To open a script menu script in Script Editor, select it in the menu while pressing the Option key.

Mac Menu Bar

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