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Jun 12, 2019  I recently borrowed a Spyder 5 Elite to see how it differed. I calibrated using both devices right after one another and I am getting very different results. For the most part the colors seem fine but the Spyder 4 result is warmer than the Spyder 5. All the settings for white point and gamma are set to 6500K before calibration.

Best Software Spyder 5 Mac Reddit
  • Mar 28, 2017  See the difference The Spyder 5 color calibrates your PC monitor and makes it look much better One of the best things you can do for your PC monitor is to calibrate its colors properly.
  • Spyder ® 5ELITE+ builds on the original award winning Spyder5 software by adding new unique features for further confidence in your digital color workflow. With new features including softproofing and automatic room light switching, you’ll be on your way to enjoy the enhanced capabilities in no time. Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.

Whether you’re a newcomer or a veteran to widescreen gaming, it’s a good idea to stay on top of your game with the best software. After years of multi-monitor use, here’s my six must-haves.

1. Nvidia Surround or AMD Eyefinity

The first installation on any multi-monitor setup should be Nvidia Surround or AMD Eyefinity.

The programs will allow you to set your game resolution higher than that of a single screen, so you see it spread across all of them. Without it, using multiple monitors to game is impossible.

Eyefinity and Surround are packaged into the AMD and Nvidia drivers, respectively, so that you shouldn’t have to download anything. Simply search your PC, run the setup processes and you’re good to go.

2. Flawless Widescreen — Fix Widescreen Game Bugs Instantly

If you’ve tried playing on greater resolutions before, I’m sure you know all about the issues with incorrect aspect ratios, black bars, poorly-placed interface elements, and unchangeable fields of view.

You’d normally have to hunt through secluded forums and fiddle with game files to find the solution but this application changes everything.

With Flawless Widescreen, you’ll be able to glide through a list of over 100 titles and install community-built patches just by clicking a checkbox.

It gets better though. The FOV Fine Adjustment tool lets you pick a field of view with more precision than what the game settings windows allow, perfecting your experience.

Plus, Flawless Widescreen is free for everybody.

Install Flawless Widescreen for Free

3. DisplayFusion — Manage Your Window Mess

If you’re anything like me, you occasionally turn off your high resolution and put up something more useful on the other screens.

DisplayFusion’s mission is to make managing all that easier. In an all in one suite, it’ll provide hundreds of features such as:

  • Multiple taskbars, so that you can remove the one on your gaming screen
  • Quality of life improvements to opening, maximizing and moving windows across monitors
  • Optional hotkeys to instantly switch and move programs
  • The ability to turn down the refresh rate for individual monitors, so you can maximize your game performance.

DisplayFusion is useful even after you close the game. Wallpaper, screensaver, and interface additions make it seem like Windows was made for wide resolutions.

You can pick up DisplayFusion Pro for around $30, but the free version will get you the basics you need if you’re tight on cash.

Download or Purchase DisplayFusionAlso Read: How To Get The Most Out of Multiple Monitors On Mac

4. MSI Afterburner Overlay — Monitor Your Performance

With your computer inevitably locked in at full usage, your system is going to get hot and your performance will be a little bumpy.

MSI Afterburner will relieve these worries. It puts all your temperature and performance information up for you to see in the corner of your game, so it's always on-hand.

Normally, overlays slightly intrude on your game but, if you’re rocking a widescreen setup, then you have the screen real estate you need.

Use this to know when you need to drop your game settings to keep system performance steady and temperature cool.

MSI Afterburner is free and comes with some overclocking software. You’ll find the overlay options inside the program.

Download MSI Afterburner For Free

5. Symless — Add Another Screen

Got a spare laptop? Symless lets you seamlessly combine your devices, allowing you to add an extra screen to your setup.

This is perfect for opening up a walkthrough, playing some background music or keeping a social media application open whilst you game.

Symless can merge Windows, Mac, and Linux devices with a network connection into one, with almost no degradation of performance.

Like DisplayFusion, the benefits will leak into your everyday use. Having the option of a little extra space when you need it can be a huge bonus to your work efficiency.

Symless Basic will set you back by $30, but you might make that back in productivity improvement alone. They also offer the Symless Pro package for $40, which lets you copy-paste between devices.

Purchase SymlessMore on This: Add and Utilize Multiple Monitors in your Windows Setup

6. Razer Cortex — Improve Performance

Having some trouble holding a decent frame rate with so many monitors? I’ve got your solution.

Razer Cortex shuts down background applications on your computer, giving it more resources to pump into your demanding games. Your results will depend on your computer, programs, and the game, but the results are generally positive.

Opening a game through Cortex is optional. With a bit of trial and error, you can see if it's helping.

If you’re not too keen on a program managing your computer, you can also optimize it yourself by removing the background programs that shouldn’t be running.

Razer Cortex is free for download on the Razer website.

Download Razer Cortex For Free

Ready, Set, Play

These setups can take a bit of effort but it’s all well worth it in the end. Now that you’ve got all the software you need, it’s time to indulge in a game.

Found any other useful programs? Let us know in comments down below.

Read More: 9 Cool Tips and Tricks for Multiple Monitors on Windows 10

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Read NextHow to Add and Utilize Multiple Monitors in Your Windows Setup

Spyder 4 Software Download

Also See#games #monitor

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If you're involved in any kind of creative work, it'd be fair to call PC color calibration a necessity. You might think your shiny new monitor looks really nice, the colors are popping and that everything is A-OK. The sad truth is that it's probably not, or at least, not if you're looking to meet a standard for color work.

Getting it calibrated is a really simple process .. if you have the right equipment.

For the purposes of this article, we're using the Datacolor Spyder 5 Pro colorimeter. It cost $139 on Amazon at the time of writing. For even more control — targeted towards professionals — there's the Spyder 5 Elite, too.

Why calibrate your PC's color?

From Datacolor:

Most monitors come out of the box with the brightness set too high and with oversaturated colors – plus they degrade over time. Your display is the window into your digital image, you need to be able to trust it. Spyder5 calibrates your display to an industry color reference standard to ensure your colors are accurate for better print matching. Your image editing will be easier and faster, you'll spend less time in the 'print-edit-print' cycle, and you'll waste less ink and paper.

Essentially, the process makes sure your monitor is as close as humanly possible to market standards for color work. That way you can trust that what you're seeing on the display in front of you is accurate and will look great.

Best Software Spyder 5 Mac Reddit Youtube

Getting it done

In the box, there's not a lot to look at, just the Spyder 5 Pro and a redemption code for the companion software. The colorimeter itself consists of a plastic puck with an ambient light meter, a lens cap covering the important bits and the connected USB cable.

Getting going is as simple as plugging in and downloading the software. You simply hang the colorimeter over the top of the monitor with the sensors facing the display. This particular model has an ambient light sensor to help with finer corrections, but there's also a cheaper model that only has fixed correction profiles.

The process is straightforward, and the software from Datacolor is easy to use. You get a step-by-step guide on what you need to do before you start, and the software should be able to identify your monitor automatically. If it doesn't you can select it from a drop-down list.

Calibrating with the Spyder 5 Pro.

It'll recommend settings for Gamma, color temperature and brightness — which is influenced by the room light, should you measure it — or you can choose your own custom options. Once you've clicked through and attached the colorimeter where instructed, it's time to sit back for a few and let it do its work.

In this instance, the procedure paused mid-way through for a brightness adjustment, but if that's not on your list you'll see a variety of colors flash up while readings are taken.

When you come out on the other side, the software will have generated a new calibration profile for your monitor. You can save this and set a reminder to do it again on a monthly basis, and you can also look at sample images with or without the profile applied. The results may surprise you.

In my case, the resulting profile was 100-percent sRGB compliant and 80 percent Adobe RGB. The Spyder 5 Pro doesn't work magic, and it can't make things look better than the monitor can physically handle, but it can make a big difference. In my case, on my HP Omen 32 gaming monitor, the overall appearance to the eye is warmer and less bright, with the added comfort of meeting the sRGB standard, which is good for web work.


If I used a monitor geared more towards creative work and less towards gaming, the effects could potentially be even greater.

If you're involved in any kind of creative work, professional or amateur, properly calibrating your monitor should be on your list of things to do. Devices such as the Spyder 5 aren't cheap at around $139, but the ease with which you can get your colors in line — and keep them in line — makes it a worthwhile investment.

The added bonus of the light sensor also made it much more pleasant to look at my PC monitor. I've been using the HP Omen 32 with the settings it came out of the box with, and the difference after running the Spyder 5 Pro is immediately noticeable and less straining. It's now set up perfectly — or as perfectly as it can be — for color and my working environment, which makes the Spyder 5 Pro money well spent.

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