Adobe Genuine Software Verification Failure Cs6 Mac Osx


My subscription expired while away on holidays. I renewed my subscription and have tried to re-install without success. The first issue I had was with administrator permissions on my pc. I have fixed this but now get an error stating that the product I am trying to install is counterfeit. I have searched through Adobe's troubleshooting but I can't see anything that matches this error. My OS is Windows 7. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

C:ProgramDataAdobeSLStore For Mac OSX 1. Disable your Network card or pull the network cable out. And make sure you dont have any of those entries in your hosts file. Lets start clean. Page 11- ADOBE CS6 MASTER COLLECTION Win/Mac - X-FORCE Full Applications - Releases CGPersia Forums Translate This Page Arabic Bulgarian Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Croatian Cczech Danish Dutch English Finnish Filipino French German Hebrew Greek Italian Indonesian Latvian Lithuanian Hindi Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese.

Hi avanishdivya
I have followed these steps previously, without success. Step 1 is where I started having problems, where the download stops towards the end stating the product is conterfeit. Regarding step 2: The only other CC product I have is LR. I have followed step 2 and installed updates, then re-attempted step 1 and still receieved the same pop up. I have tried step 3 several times now (including after updating LR), each time it finishes with a pop up to install Winzip (for a fee). I don't understand why I would need Winzip to re-intall a product I was able to install without Winzip originally.
Any other suggestions?

Adobe Genuine Software Verification Failure Cs6 Mac Osx Version

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    Can you please let me know what to do? How can a product from its own site be 'counterfeit'?

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    Check this link, it may help :-

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    Basically, a business that I work with sent me an email. I opened the email and it stated, 'To open the artist names click here'. I clicked and the adobe xi came up with that message. The reason that I know that it is in an excel form is because before I got Windows 7 in December, I had xp. When I had XP I just clicked it and the artist name list would come up in excel with no problem. I have Adobe Flashplayer 16 Active x and Adobe Reader XI 11.0 .10. So as far as what programs.unable to answer that. I typically in other cases am able to open pdf files. I had problem opening one other file when I did it was also an excel file.

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    These ones are tricky. But the following instructions are worth a try.
    First do a complete uninstall of iTunes and related components (but don't reinstall just yet), as per the following document:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    a. Launch regedit (Start >> Search Programs and Files >> type Regedit and open the regedit that comes up.)
    b. Access the following Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserData S-1-5-18Components
    c. Perform the following actions
    i. Right Click on Components Folder
    ii. Select Permissions
    iii. Select Full Control and Read Permissions options
    iv. Select Advanced Button
    v. Select Owner Tab
    vi. Select to Change Owner to the Administrators
    vii. Check the option “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects”
    viii. Select OK when prompted that it may not change all.
    ix. Select Apply
    x. Select Apply again
    xi. Exit the Registry Editor
    Now try reinstalling iTunes again. Does it go in properly this time?
    If you're still getting the 1067 after that, try uninstalling any MegaUpload software on the PC. Does AMDS launch correctly now?

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    Itunes disc burner software not found mac. Apr 20, 2009  Using iTunes, had just burned 3 discs, put the 4th one in and received the 'disc burner or software not found' message. 'About This Mac' shows no burning device found. So, I have a blank disc in my optical drive that I cannot eject. Nov 28, 2017  I Have a Mac mini and had the same problem, but I was using a SAMSUNG external CD drive. After restarting I still had the same problem - I found that my CD rom was plugged into my USB HUB and when I moved it directly into the Mac mini it worked perfectly. Not much help to you directly, but hopefully someone else with the same issue.

    Can you Please provide Configuration of your XP, Win7 Machine [How to post a screenshot in the forum]?
    To check if Windows 7 Service Pack is already installed, follow the below steps:
    Click the Start button , right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
    The basic information about your computer page will open.
    To check if Windows XP Service Pack is already installed, follow the below steps:
    Click the Start button , right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
    Click System and Service Pack Information will be listed
    Please also attach log [Where do I find the Flash Player installation log on Windows?], [How to share a document] and Share the Current Version of Flash Player goto - [] and click on Check Now button, using about method can you place the screenshot.
    Meanwhile you can also try cleaning Application Temporary Data and Try again. [c:/users/username/appdata/local/temp folder - Microsoft Community], Due to some reason the Installer file is getting corrupted which might be blocking Flash Player Installation. After cleanup try using the offline Installer [Installation problems Flash Player Windows]

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    Can you help me?
    Oh! Maybe I should also say that i'm on a MacPro and my OS is OSX 10.9
    Thanks a lot

    Solution 2 from this help article should resolve the problem.

  • My error looks like this..
    Mon Jan 5 12:56:58 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Build Version -
    Mon Jan 5 12:56:58 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    Mon Jan 5 12:56:58 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCP/toolkit/./toolkit/PackageTemplate/CS6/Template_Uninstall.bin /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Uninstall.pkg
    Mon Jan 5 12:56:59 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCP/toolkit/./toolkit/PackageTemplate/CS6/Template_Install.bin /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg
    Mon Jan 5 12:56:59 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCP/toolkit/./toolkit/ASU/packages /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/ASU2/packages
    Mon Jan 5 12:56:59 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCP/toolkit/./toolkit/ASU/Install.dylib /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/ASU2/Install.dylib
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:00 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /tmp/C38D2C56-1DA6-472B-B8C4-6FB284E7DA66/ACCCx2_8_1_451/ /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/ASU/
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:01 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /tmp/C38D2C56-1DA6-472B-B8C4-6FB284E7DA66/ACCCx2_8_1_451/packages /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/ASU/packages
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:02 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /tmp/C38D2C56-1DA6-472B-B8C4-6FB284E7DA66/ACCCx2_8_1_451/resources /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/ASU/resources
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:02 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/ /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/Install.ap p
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:02 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Copied Setup file/folder (
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:02 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/packages /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/packages
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:02 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Copied Setup file/folder (packages)
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Copied File (payloads/Media_db.db)
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Copied File (payloads/Media_db.sig)
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Copied File (payloads/setup.xml)
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Registration is not suppressed, not removing Grwl package.
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - ASU at Path (/Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/Install.a pp) is not found. Skipping copying and renaming.
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobePhotoshop15-Support /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobePhotoshop15-Support
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:03 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeCameraRaw8.0All /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeCameraRaw8.0All
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:04 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobePhotoshop15-en_US /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobePhotoshop15-en_US
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:04 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile8.0All /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeCameraRawProfile8.0All
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:05 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeColorPhotoshop5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeColorPhotoshop5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:05 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeAPE3.4-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeAPE3.4-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:05 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobePhotoshop15-Core /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobePhotoshop15-Core
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:08 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeColorJA_ExtraSettings5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:08 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeColorNA_Recommended5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeColorNA_Recommended5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:08 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeColorCommonSetCMYK5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:08 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeColorCommonSetRGB5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeColorCommonSetRGB5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:08 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeVideoProfilesCS5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeVideoProfilesCS5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:09 2015
    [INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder /private/tmp/50ABE1F7-5C2B-4522-9970-612979FA2BB6/PHSP/LS20/15.0/Photoshop_15_LS20/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/payloads/AdobeColorEU_ExtraSettings5_0-mul /Applications/GKB/Build/GKB_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/Setup/PHSP15.0en_US/payloads/A dobeColorEU_ExtraSettings5_0-mul
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:09 2015
    [ERROR] AdobePackageBuilder - Failed to find the dmg file path (null)
    Mon Jan 5 12:57:09 2015
    [ERROR] AdobePackageBuilder - Failed to package the update - null.

    That's definitely enough to start.
    It sure seems like it should work..and then I saw that you're using a router. It could very well be that the router is the weak link here.
    Instead connecting to your network router, try using a direct USB connection from your MBP. If that doesn't work, you read this post, which may be relevant to your problem: ils-after-all-recommendations-Not-ready/td-p/1287003
    It seems you're up to date with software. Post with your results.

  • I am a paid subscriber of Adobe Send and should be able to send up to 2GB of files. I am not able to send even 1GB. I have compressed all files into a .zip folder.
    I then tried splitting the files into 2 separate .zip folders at about 500MB each, and still got the upload error again after waiting for the entire file to upload. A lot of wasted time now.
    It's not reasonable for me to send all of the files piecemeal to my client.
    What is going on?
    Thank You!

    Here are some screenshots:

  • So I get the prohibited sign on start up, and i tried using the command-option-p-r and os x utilities popped up. I checked if any of my disks needed repairing and all of them were fine. But whenever I try to re-install os x mavericks an error would come up saying that I need to restart the application.
    Help anyone?

    This is what I would try:
    Since a 2008 MBP came with Leopard (10.5) and to install Lion (10.7) or later requires a Snow Leopard disk (10.6), I would use one of those disks. Again check the status of the HDD with Disk Utility>First Aid using the disk and install an OSX. You will then have to download the Snow Leopard combo update (10.6.8).
    You will have to erase the disk so have your data backed up, Once you have established that you have a working OSX installed, then I would download Mavericks.
    If you cannot install an OSX with the disks then there is a hardware problem and a trip to an Apple store genius bar will be the best option. The evaluation will be FREE.

  • I am getting the error quoted below. I cannot figure out how to correct it. First I could not open iTunes, I then un-installed iTunes. Now I cannot re-install iTunes. (I am unable to delete the problem files either) Spent 3 hours trying to figure this out.
    'error writing to file: c:programsiTunesiTunes.resourcesgenre-teen.jpg. Verify that you have access to that directory.'

    'error writing to file: c:programsiTunesiTunes.resourcesgenre-teen.jpg. Verify that you have access to that directory.'
    That's consistent with disk/file damage, oko.
    Try running a chkdsk over your C drive. There's instructions and a guided help in the following Microsoft document:
    [How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP]
    Does the chkdsk find/repair any damage? If so, can you reinstall iTunes now?

  • I have some videos that were recorded on an iphone 6. They are in .mov format which is supposed to be compatible with my adobe premiere elements 9 but every time I try to import them I get a generic error.

    Okay so I've searched around most of this forum and as much of Google as I could find - I have found similar problems, but nothing exactly the same; and none of the solutions I've found have worked for me. I've seen a lot of people having trouble connecting to the DL server on the file-selection window, but I don't even get that far - an error message just pops up in the middle of my screen - and my error doesn't mention a server, just that it can't connect to AE DL.
    I changed firewall software (which I've wanted to do for months, anyway) and still to no avail.
    As for the 'The importer reported a generic error' problem also, I can't find any problems or solutions with After Effects files not being able to be imported.

  • Hello
    I am getting this error when trying to run a repair on Adobe 7.07
    error 1327 Invalid Drive: g:
    I have searched the registry to find where this may be located but have not had any luck. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on how to resolve it?
    Any help is appreciated!

    Error 1327 Invalid drive /G: FREE FIX
    I have received this error when installing several different programs.
    The simple fix it to put a jump drive into your USB ports. Then open My Computer to see if drive /G: or what ever drive appears.
    Your computer and the setup program know that you have used some type of memory storage in those USB ports. The setup program just needs to validate that the memory is still there. It does not need to use it, it just needs to see that it is there.
    Worked for me. In sure there is a technical way to change or fix it so that your USB ports are not involved, but it probably will take too much time.

  • i have recently downloaded the new itunes 10 nd now my ipod driver software is encountering errors when trying to be installed in my computer. i have uninstalled and reinstalled itunes and its still happening. i'm away to go to ******* tits, - help me please.

    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    The drives and service topics of:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

  • Downloaded purchased CS6 Production Premium. During the installation I received error 'Adobe genuine software verification failure.
    The product you are trying to install is not an Adobe Genuine Software and appears to be counterfeit.

    Try Warning: 'Adobe Genuine Software Validation Failure..' Windows

Adobe Genuine Software Verification Failure Cs6 Mac Osx Update

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